Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 1, 2022

Website SEO Guide: Detailed SEO learning path for beginners

You want to learn how to SEO your website to the top of Google but…

  • Don't know where to start learning?

  • Too much documentation on web SEO tutorials on the Internet makes you confused?

Don't worry, I've been in the same situation as you! 6 months continuously plugged into learning SEO website but don't understand anything! However, after more than 2 years of experience, continuously learn, test and apply. Now I and my team have built a prestigious GTV SEO brand in the SEO world.

More than anyone else, I understand that what you really need first is not a bunch of documents but, a ROUTINE. Having a clear knowledge system will give you:

  • A solid website SEO foundation, confidently deploying and knowing what to do

  • Grasp all the top jobs that need to be done in website SEO

  • Understand the root of the problem, know what you have learned, what knowledge needs to be added

  • Understand the key factors of SEO success and avoid technical SEO mistakes

With 10 Chapters, I am sure that this beginner's guide to SEO website will be a useful document for your SEO learning!

Let's get started now!

Understand how customers find your business

Remember, when you need to buy something or eat something new, what's the first thing you do? Ask Google, right?

Customers are just like you, they are always looking for something on Google to meet their needs. Putting yourself in your customer's shoes and understanding how they found your business will tell you what the next step needs to be. And here are the ways you can understand your customers:

Find out the most popular way people search about your business

There are many ways that customers find information about your business.

For example, they may find your business using words and phrases, and some others may not.

So the first step is to figure out the most common way people search for what your business does.

Maybe ideas. But let's start by doing a Google search. Use one of the words or phrases in the business. This phrase can be ridiculous or wordy.

After skimming all the results in 10 seconds, you will have a list of important phrases in the title.

One important thing is that websites tend to optimize title tags for SEO. So there's no guarantee that it's 100% of your customers thinking about you.

To increase keyword accuracy, you can redefine its importance in Ahrefs Keywords Explorer.

website seo

Using the Ahrefs tool

Understand other ways customers might be searching for the same thing

Take a look at the SERP overview for the keyword you're targeting in Keywords Explorer.

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The data section, “Kw.”, shows the number of keywords that each of the top 10 websites ranks for.

In other words, each website gets traffic from hundreds of keywords. That means not everyone enters a simple keyword into Google when searching for what they need. Others search for the same thing in different ways.

You can start to understand what these other keywords are by further analyzing the Google search results. Searching for more similar and related terms pops up again and again. If you want even more recommendations, try Rank Report in Keywords Explorer.

This report shows the keywords that the top 10 ranking pages also rank for from which you can analyze which keywords your competitor websites are targeting. However, this report tends to show a lot of keywords.

So to narrow things down to just super-relevant results, you should take the 2-3 most relevant top-ranking pages and paste them into the Ahrefs Content Gap tool. That will reveal the popular keywords all those pages rank for.

Dive deeper into the detailed searches customers are doing

You already know how people search for your business. Now, it's time to dig deeper into the detailed searches people do related to your products or services.

A simple way to get started is to look at Google's autofill results. You can go to Google and start typing a query in the search box, but don't press Enter. Google will immediately suggest some additional search terms people have used:

learn seo

Go to Google start typing a query

You can repeat this step and get more results by adding each letter of the alphabet:


Repeat the query by adding the letter

If this sounds troublesome to you, you can go to Keywords Explorer and see the Search suggestions report. This report effectively automates the process and shows autocompleted keywords by Google along with valuable SEO metrics like monthly search volume and Keyword Difficulty.

Find popular and interesting topics in the field

Content Marketing is the art of creating useful and valuable content to attract target customers. Find out what topics are popular and interesting in your niche and then create content related to said topics.

Expand your keyword list with a literal search

Google search results and professional keyword tools can give you a lot to start with, but it's still not enough.

To be successful with SEO, you need to understand how people talk about your niche, what problems they have, etc. Take every opportunity to speak to your clients and pay attention to the language they are using. use. Doing this directly is great, but it will take a lot of time.

So here are some places on the internet where you can find words people use when talking about topics you care about:

– Forums: There are quite a few communities where people discuss your niche.

Groups Facebook/LinkedIn: LinkedIn is more geared towards the B2B market, but when it comes to Facebook, there are groups for almost anything.

Any website or social network with a large number of visitors and user-generated content can serve as a source of inspiration and keyword ideas.

– Podcasts can also be a good source of inspiration…

how to do web seo

Let's expand the keyword search list by searching literally

Understand the metrics behind the keywords you're targeting

Most people focus exclusively on the following two metrics after doing keyword research:

Search Volume (average monthly searches) and Keyword Difficulty (an estimate of how easy or difficult it will be to appear on the first page of search results for that term).

These two metrics are important because they provide useful information about a keyword's potential and how difficult it is to rank.

However, instead of just looking at Search Volume, you should try to figure out the real traffic potential for each keyword. That way, you focus your efforts on ranking for the pages most likely to bring the most targeted traffic your way.

During the SEO process of your website, you need to regularly check keywords to monitor the results and the change in keyword rankings, thereby providing timely solutions for the dropped keywords.

Learn more about Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential aspect of SEO. More specifically, it is the process of finding keywords for which you want to get high rankings in search rankings.

Basics of SEO

Before entering, learn the techniques and methods of learning SEO web effectively in 2020. Let's start from the most basic knowledge of SEO.

Chapter 2 of this web SEO tutorial will help many people understand the entire concept in Search Engine Optimization as well as how search engines work. Let's see!

What is SEO?

The higher the ranking of the website on the SERPs page, the more reach the website has.

SEO profession was born in the 90s when the search engine (Search Engine) was first known. Today, for many people, website SEO has become an essential marketing strategy and a thriving field.

If you want to learn website SEO, you should prepare both mentally and physically to be able to perform jobs that require creativity, technical and analytical skills. Each skill will target different goals. However, the common goal of everyone is to get the highest ranking on the Google results page.

Guide to optimizing website seo

Learning website SEO needs creativity, techniques and the ability to measure and analyze data

Simply put, website SEO is optimizing the right website so that businesses can reach the right potential customers.

To do good website SEO, your website not only needs a perfect structure, a good technical foundation, but the content on the web must be of quality and optimized to suit the needs of the readers.

And of course, this content must be extremely impressive so that other websites are willing to share your article and link to it.

Is SEO website difficult?

Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other websites that rank on the SERP site based on different ranking algorithms.

Can we define these algorithms? Yes and No! Let me explain it to you!

Google uses more than 200 ranking factors. Although you already know quite a few of them like:

  • Quality content

  • Number and quality of backlinks

  • Techniques to speed up page loading,…

However, many other ranking factors are still kept secret and no SEOer can say for sure that they can understand all of these factors.

Of course, you don't need to know all the factors to race your website to rank. To understand what website SEO is, imagine it as a bowl of soup. I will use this image to describe the following:

3 important factors in website SEO

There are 3 factors that make up a website SEO: backlink, content and technical in the website

There are 3 important structural parts:

  1. The bowl: represents the techniques behind the website (technical SEO and on-page SEO). Without the proper, properly sized bowl for the amount of soup to cook, the soup would have spilled all over the table, wouldn't it?

  2. Soup: represents the content of your site – it's the most important part. Poor quality content causes a website to rank low.

  3. Spice: represents quality backlinks, increases the authority and credibility of the website. The final ingredient to make your SEO soup perfect.

Internet users use search engines when they are looking for information, products or services. Surely, you will want your business to appear when users search for information related to your products and services, right?

So it doesn't matter if you're selling products, services, blogs or anything else, web SEO is a must for users to find your business!

If done properly, web SEO will improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs - Search Engine Result Pages). Higher rankings mean higher traffic to your website. That brings conversion value.

In short, if you want to achieve success with your website, you need to do SEO.

seo online

If you want your website to grow successfully, you must definitely do SEO

How to learn SEO website effectively?

Even small and fundamental changes can make a big difference in the way search engines "scan" your site.

In this basic web SEO guide for beginners, I will cover all the important topics and basic knowledge of how to top Google so you can learn seo on your own and grow more as you go along. do SEO.

If you are wondering how to learn website SEO in 2021. We have a simple answer for you: You will need a lot of study and practice .

The good news is that you can easily find tons of free information on the internet (including this website SEO guide). But you should choose and apply wisely. In addition, you can attend SEO training courses at reputable SEO centers to update your latest knowledge!

Currently, at GTV SEO, there are opportunities to learn 3 days with SEO courses such as:

  • SEO Fundamental – Mastering SEO Marketing in 29 Days

  • Entity Mastermind – A complete set of courses and tools to help you dominate SEO 2020

  • Winning Ecommerce – Full set of SEO Ecommerce tools for Start-up

The trial program will end soon, don't miss your chance!

Entity Master Mind

In addition, we also have other attractive Courses:

  • Audit Content – Step by step escape from Google Panda penalty

  • Hacking Keyword – Research Keyword Increase Conversion Rate

  • Entity Schema – Deploy Full Schema for website

And don't forget to see more information about GTV's course terms at:

Send an email to if you have questions to answer!

I will check email at 14:00 every day and give you the most detailed answer!

10 research results from millions of websites are SEO Google Top #1

  1. The top site in the Google SERPs has an average click-through rate (CTR) of 31.7%.

  2. Results in the top 1 position are 10 times more likely to be clicked than results in the 10 position.

  3. The CTR for positions 7-10 is almost the same. Therefore, even if you move up one rank in that range, the amount of traffic will not change much.

  4. A single rank increase in search results should, in theory, increase CTR by 30.8% for a website.
    However, this also depends on the order in which you are increasing. Specifically, moving from position 3 to position 2 will often increase CTR significantly. There is no statistically significant difference from position 10 to position 9.

  5. Title tags with questions have a 14.1% higher CTR than pages without questions in the title.

  6. Title tags that are 15 to 40 characters long have the highest CTR. According to our data, pages with a title tag length of 15 to 40 characters have an 8.6% higher CTR than pages outside that range.

  7. URLs with keywords have 45% higher click-through rates than URLs without keywords.

  8. Adding emphasis words to title tags can reduce click-through rates.
    I've found that headlines with emphasis words have a 13.9% lower click-through rate than titles without them.

  9. Emotional headlines can definitely improve CTR.
    I've found that headlines that evoke a certain emotion, whether positive or negative, have the potential to improve CTR by around 7%.

  10. Pages with meta descriptions tag get 5.8% more clicks than pages without tags.

Once you've captured the 10 research findings above, I think you've got a few ideas for how to improve your rankings significantly. And it will also be easier to continue learning about the top Google SEO that I present shortly.

Some important factors need to be optimized

Google evaluates websites through more than 200 factors and to optimize SEO, the following are important factors to pay attention to.

  • Content: Create content that is useful to users, searched by users.

  • Crawlable: Ensures crawlability, accessibility, and indexing for search engines.

  • Links: Quality and quantity of links.

  • User Intent: Meet the needs and satisfy the intent of the searcher.

  • Uniqueness: Create uniqueness and exclusivity for the content.

  • EAT: Content created by people with good expertise and trust, thereby creating authority.

  • Freshness: Create freshness for content and update old content.

  • Speed: Page loading speed is an important factor that increases user experience.

  • CTR: Your page's click-through rate from search results.

  • Mobile Friendly: Mobile devices are widely used, mobile-friendly websites are essential.

To optimize SEO, you need to do the following 7 steps:

Step 1: Collect accessibility information so that it's easier for tools to scan, read, and understand your website.

Step 2: Content right in the focus of the user's search.

Step 3: Keywords that meet the user's search intent.

Step 4: Mobile Friendly: Increase user experience by speeding up page loading and engaging UX.

Step 5: Content is valuable, worth sharing, quoting and amplifying.

Step 6: Optimize title, URL and description to attract CTR thanks to high rankings on the rankings.

Step 7: Highlight Schema/ Structured Data to stand out in SERPs.

The following are detailed factors that affect your website's search engine rankings.

Crawlability: The ability to gather information

Before mentioning your content, Google must know the existence and be able to access your website.

Google has a method to detect and scan new content on the website called Crawling. Google will use this method to collect information about websites that Google knows or has previously viewed.

If your website is new, you should submit the sitemap.xml file for Google to know and crawl your website.

To make sure your resources are crawlable by Google, you need to:

Use Internal Links: Google relies on internal links to crawl your website, pages without Internal Links will often be unable or slow to crawl.

Internal links using nofollow: Nofollow internal links will not be crawled by Google.

Set Noindex pages: If you want some Google pages not to index, you can exclude using the anti-index meta tag or the http Header.

Disallow in robots.txt – block indexing: Robots.txt is a text file that tells Google where it can and cannot be accessed in your website. Blocked websites will not collect their information.

High quality content:

Google always ranks websites with quality, useful and trustworthy content at the top. For your content to be appreciated by Google requires Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness.

High-quality content will be the foundation for solid SEO, because this is the most important factor to help bring your website to the top in search engines and attract target customers.

Keyword suitable for User Search Intent – ​​Search intent:

Great content is not enough, it also has to be the topic people are searching for, it can satisfy the searcher's intent. It is impossible not to emphasize how important Search Intent is to SEO, as creating content that is relevant to search intent is very important. Google's purpose is to provide relevant, useful content for their query.

Mobile Friendly: Mobile -friendly and user-experience

Currently, 65% of searches come from mobile devices and this number is increasing. Google also moved to prioritize mobile indexing from 2018, meaning your mobile version will be evaluated and ranked by Google.

More importantly, users will stop interacting with your content if the display is not good on their device. So you need to check how mobile-friendly your website is.

Speed ​​– increase page load speed:

Page loading speed is a website ranking factor, again you need to please the users. If the page load time is too long, the user will definitely be dissatisfied, impatient and leave. Test your page load speed and improve it.

Backlinks – find relevant, quality backlinks:

Google has a ranking algorithm called Pagerank, each backlink will be a vote, the website with the most votes will have the ability to rank high.

If you want to rank high then backlinks are extremely important. Build links to products or product-related content. Building tactics will not be easy, it takes time, testing and experience to succeed.

Authority – Authority:

The way backlinks have different quality and are created in different ways, each backlink will have different weight. In fact, backlinks from high authority sites are better than links from good authority sites.

Backlink is not the only way to improve the authority of a website, there are also Internal Links – internal links also contribute to increasing the Authority of a website.

If you want to improve this factor try to build both backlinks and related Internal Links from other high authority websites.

How Google evaluates and ranks websites

Content Crawling and Rating

Google has a ranking system designed to evaluate, index and search hundreds of billions of websites to provide useful and relevant information when users search. Google is like a library that stores information.

Google's data collection process is as follows:

  • Crawl: Google continuously searches and adds new pages to the list of known pages thanks to:

  • Sitemap.

  • Request indexing from the site owner.

  • A link from a website that Google has previously crawled.

  • Indexing (index): Google begins to learn the content of the newly found page and put it into its data warehouse of information. This is the indexing process.

  • Serving and ranking: Google uses algorithms to evaluate and rank websites, when users search through a phrase, Google will display the most relevant answers based on factors such as: Relevance interests, search terms, expertise of sources, website usability, location and other options.

Factors that affect search rankings?

The following factors are part of the hundreds of factors by which Google ranks websites:

  • Evaluate the quality and freshness of the content.

  • Compare and contrast the relevancy between the data in the index and the search query.

  • Analyze each word in the search query.

  • User experience on the site.

  • Geo location, search settings, search history.

  • Site reliability and user reviews.

There are also many other factors, Google is becoming more and more strict by making many algorithms to ensure that no SEO people abuse it, causing low user experience.

Google's Most Important Algorithms

Thanks to many Google algorithms, websites are indexed, useful results are put on the rankings to satisfy the needs of users. Over the years, meeting many competitors, Google Search is constantly updating and innovating new algorithms to remove poor quality websites, penalize spam websites, web providing spin content, improve search quality. .

Thanks to these algorithms, Google is more successful than any other search engine, this is why users will always stick with Google Search.

Here are some of the algorithms announced by Google to the SEO world:

  • Google Panda (February 2011): Low ranking websites with poor quality content.

  • Google Penguin (April 2012): Penalize websites with signs of backlink spam, deliberately manipulating search rankings.

  • Google Pirate (August 2012): Low ranking websites that are frequently complained about posting copyrighted and pirated content.

  • Google Zebra (March 2013): Penalize websites with signs of spam link Social.

  • Google HummingBird (September 2013): Analyze the semantic components of the query to give the most relevant results.

  • Google Pigeon (July 2014): Provides more relevant search results through geo-location analysis.

  • Mobile Friendly (April 2015): Prioritize mobile-optimized pages.

  • Google RankBrain (October 2015): Algorithm built on machine learning (AI) platform used by Google to classify search results.

  • Google Possum (September 2016): Provides more relevant search results based on the user's location.

  • Google Fred (March 2017): Filters low-quality websites from search results with the primary goal of profiting from ads and links to other sites.

  • BERT (December 2019): A new language processing algorithm that tries to understand the relationship between this word and other words in a query, instead of understanding each word in the same order as before.

Basic SEO Terms

  • 4 main pillars in web SEO: Onpage SEO, Offpage SEO, Entity and Technical

  • 3 schools of SEO: white hat SEO, black hat SEO and gray hat SEO

1. Onpage SEO – Offpage SEO – Entity – Technical

There are 4 main pillars in SEO that any SEOer needs to understand:

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4 main areas in web SEO include: Onpage SEO, Offpage SEO, Entity and Technical

  • On-page SEO: All the optimization work done on your website to tell Google and users: “How good is my website”

  • Offpage SEO: All the optimization work done on “other sites” to tell Google and users, “How well do other people say about my site?”

  • Entity: Building and connecting discrete information entities into a unified cluster, helping Google identify websites that represent real businesses in the online market.

  • Technical: How to make the content on your website easily crawled and indexed by search engines.

On-page SEO (on-site)

On-page SEO includes optimization techniques performed on the website itself to increase rankings – from content optimization to technical aspects such as:

  • Keyword research: What words do potential customers use to find information about your products or services?

  • Meta description: A rough description of the page content and urges users to click on the article on the website

  • Optimizing page title (title): Set an attractive title, contain keywords and stimulate readers to click on the page to learn more

  • URL structure: Make sure the article's path is short, easy to remember, and consistent with the content on the URL itself.

  • Content: Provide quality content news and match the user's search intent

  • Structured data: Providing structured information helps Google bots better understand website content.

  • User experience (UX): Ensures good website navigation and provides a positive experience for web visitors.

… and many more that I will cover in chapter 3 of this web SEO tutorial.

Off-site SEO (off-site)

Off-page SEO includes all the activities you can do to improve your web SEO authority through backlinks from other websites. There are many ways for you to build backlinks:

  • Implement email outreach

  • Write a guest blog post

  • Post on social networks

  • Collaboration with influencers

  • Trace valuable content, so that people love it and link back to your website

… and many more ways that I will cover chapter 6 of this web seo tutorial article.

As for the Entity and Technical parts, I will guide you more carefully in the next chapter.

2. White hat SEO – Black hat SEO – Gray hat SEO

The terms "black hat" and "white hat" originate from Western films, like "bad image" and "good image". But don't take these two concepts too seriously.

SEO website to the top of google

The two schools of Black Hat and White hat are opposite

Nothing is completely bad, and nothing is completely good either. These two web SEO methods both have their own advantages and disadvantages that are suitable for different areas and goals of businesses

Black Hat SEO (Black Hat SEO)

Black Hat SEO is designed with the aim of manipulating search engines and often with little emphasis on user experience.

Black hat SEO techniques can get your website to the top of the SERP in a short time. However, the search engines will sooner or later find out that they will penalize and completely remove your site from the SERP immediately.

White Hat SEO (White Hat SEO)

White hat SEO is a sound and long-term SEO strategy designed to improve user experience with techniques:

  • Quality and relevant content

  • Overall website optimization

  • Link building

There is also a term called Gray Hat SEO – a less risky approach than the “black hat” technique.

Gray hat SEO techniques are not clearly defined by Google so you can get thousands of visitors to your website. While not getting penalized or losing your top someday.

At the present time, the SEO community is still arguing about which SEO school to choose. This selection depends on key factors:

  • Time to implement & see the effect

  • Business areas

  • Short-term - long-term strategy

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Choose the safest SEO technique

A basic course, providing the most foundational knowledge of SEO with a detailed roadmap, core knowledge is exclusively for newbies, you can sign up for a 3-day free trial right here, HERE!

SEO Fundamentals Trial

Effective SEO approach

The right SEO approach will greatly determine the level of success, finding the right approach must be based on the experience of those who have experienced, limiting mistakes, risks, time and resources.

Here is an approach you can refer to:

  • Learning Theory: Learn from successful people who have gone before to grasp knowledge quickly, with proven experience. Apply successful SEO strategies and tactics to your business.

  • Mindset: Thinking about the knowledge and experience gained to find the right approach. Make a plan and clearly define your goals before starting to implement them.

  • Practice: Apply your own method, drawn from previous successful methods, with the right approach, innovation, creativity, and efforts to perfect each thing. You will surely succeed and get the results you deserve.

  • Evaluation: From the results and goals, set an assessment and measure the indicators, from which to draw lessons to improve the next campaigns.


In chapter 3 of this web SEO guide to the top of Google, you will learn:

How search engines work

How people use them to find information

Commonly used query type

We'll dig into the advanced technical background behind Google.

Let's take a closer look at what are the most typical search engines and ranking factors you should focus on!

How do search engines work?

In this video I have clearly explained how search engines work.

You can watch the video to better understand what I share!

These tools perform 3 main activities:

  1. Crawling: data scraping

  2. Indexing: indexing

  3. Picking the results: select the results

The process goes like this:

1. Crawl data

Data crawling means thousands of small robots that will scan all sections, content, keywords, titles, links, images, ... on the website.

Any data that can be found on-page web is crawled.

The "bots" will crawl around, detecting all the links on a website that lead to other websites.

how to seo web effectively

How Search Engines Work – Web SEO Guide

They then parse those pages for new links over and over again. The bot will crawl the entire internet regularly to update new data continuously.

2. Indexing (Index)

Once the site is crawled, indexing takes place. Imagine the index is a giant catalog; or a full library of websites from around the world. It usually takes a period of 1 to 10 days for a website to be indexed.

Tip: You can check which of your on-page pages have been indexed by using this operator formula: site:

Moreover, every time the website has changed, the bots will rescan. Remember that only when onpage website updates are indexed will they be shown on search engines.

3. Select the result

Search results are important to both developers and users.

When internet users start looking for information, the search engine will search through the pre-indexed data store and pull up the matching results.

It has a query checking process against billions of web pages based on different algorithms.

The companies that provide the search engines (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!) keep the exact algorithms for ranking websites a secret. However, many ranking factors have been "discovered".

seo top googleCompanies that provide search engines keep the exact algorithms for website ranking a secret

Rating factors

Most of these ranking factors have been proven. But some of the rest is just speculation or even "myth". Above all, some factors are more important than others.

seo documentsImportant website ranking factors to keep in mind.

You don't have to know all the ranking factors to learn web SEO. But having general knowledge is better, right?

One of the most important factors, backlink profile (backlink profile) is created based on the quantity and quality of backlinks leading to your website. Google has an approximate view of a website's authority. Each backlink is basically like a short sentence.

Some other important ranking factors include (in no order):

  • Use LSI . keywords and keywords


  • Related Backlinks

  • Grammar and spelling

  • Authority/reputation of the website

  • Social share

  • Age of the domain name (domain) website

  • AMP

  • Page layout

Ranking factors can be divided into on-page SEO factors (including technical SEO) and link building or off-page SEO factors.

How people use search engines

The main point of SEO is to be friendly to both users and search engines. If you invest all your money and time in advanced technical SEO, this is very good.

But if user interaction is poor, your location may suffer. User experience is always a number one priority. The image below represents one of the common user journeys in Google Search:

web seo guideInformation search behavior of Internet users

Interactions with search engines have evolved over the years. However, the steps remain the same:

  • The user is in need of a solution, information or answer

  • They enter the need as a query (keyword) into the search engine

  • See the first returned result

  • Click on one or more results

  • Browse the web to find the answer

  • Browse through more results on search results page 1 and/or change the search query, if an answer is found.

Search engine market share

In the charts below, you can see which search engine people use the most. The data is taken from Netmarketshare's statistical reports.

learn web seo

Report on market share of search engines on Desktop with Google accounting for 76.02%

How do we categorize search queries?

There are three types of search intent:

  • Directional

  • Find information

  • Transaction

  • Commercial investigation/review

how to run seo

Web seo guide: 4 Internet users' search intent

To be able to clearly understand the content of the next section, which is to classify keywords based on search intent, you need to understand 4 search intents.

Update SERP

Most websites around the world are being updated daily, weekly or monthly. This proves that the internet develops every day.

As new websites come into being and search engines innovate in indexing, organic search results can change.

Another very important factor is that the Google algorithm is also constantly changing. Small tweaks may mean nothing, but a major algorithm update can be as impactful as an earthquake.

What I'm trying to say is: even if you are the winner - the top #1 in Google, your position may be replaced by your competitors one day.

In the chart below you can see the importance of the top ranking in Google depending on their organic CTR distribution for May 2019 (based on Advanced Web Ranking data).

SERP Feature

The SERP Feature includes all results displayed on the SERP search results page, not the Organic Search results.

There are about 16 different SERP features that you will see on the Google search results page:

self-study seo

16 Types of SERP Feature That Often Appears On Google Search Results Pages

Why should you care about these features? Because it affects the behavior of users when they see the SERP. Because users have found the answer right on Google itself, in many cases, the CTR rate of the top websites will be lower than usual.

effective web seo

SERP Feature takes the form of Featured Snippet

The first result that appears before the top 1 is  Google's Featured Snippet, with all the most condensed information. So you won't need to look at other results anymore.

In addition, there are:

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SERP Feature is in the form of Image Pack

website and seoKnowledge Card

SEO website to the topShopping Results

On-page SEO

To perform on-page SEO, you need a fairly long checklist of tasks that need to be done.

A few years ago, on-page SEO was mainly about optimizing meta tags, content, and over-optimized titles. However, if you want to learn web SEO in 2021, you'll find a lot more fun with on-page tools.

Let's dig deeper into this.

Search engine algorithms have become more sophisticated than they were in the days when just stuffing mountains of keywords into the content, title, and description was enough to achieve high rankings.

If you want to learn web SEO, you must learn to innovate with modern SEO. One of the biggest improvements of search engines is that they consider the human element, in other words, user engagement (User Engagement).

Meta Description

Meta Description is a brief piece of information displayed on the Google results page, helping to summarize the website content for users and bots to have a rough understanding of the content they are about to visit.

guide seo web to google

How the Meta Description tag shows up on Google

Titles and meta description tags that contain keywords do not directly affect your rankings. BUT they still have a strong impact on CTR and user engagement in general.

Therefore, they are still very important for web SEO.

There are many tools and plugins (e.g. Yoast SEO for WordPress) that analyze your content by using focus keywords in meta Title, meta description, heading tags, overall keyword density, image alt attributes photos and more.

Yoast SEO tool gives a lot of suggestions for optimization. But it can be hard to stick to these checklists when it comes to the human element.

Make sure you consider both search engine optimization and user experience when creating the meta tag.

1. Find out what users are searching for

  • Are you planning to write articles on a topic that people search for?

  • Are you sure your point of view is different, unique?

  • Can you write better new content updates for the topic?

  • Is the time you publish the article appropriate?

These are the big questions before you start writing, whether it's a blog or a landing page.

There are many ways to find the answers to the above questions.

Keyword Research is a required part. How to research keywords effectively will be mentioned more clearly in chapter 5 of this website seo tutorial.

how to seo website to the top of google mien phi

Keyword Research is a required part

2. Title Tag and Headlines

Write attractive titles, Meta Descriptions and Headlines.

Your main SEO keyword should still be there, so users know what your site is about. Use meta descriptions to emphasize the call to action (CTA).

Convince both users and search engines that your site is worth clicking on.

Remember: Always pay attention to user interactions. So don't over exaggerate the truth by using words that are "poor" or too cheesy.

Find out what your competitors do, learn from them, and create a strategy to optimize content for these keywords for your website!

Quick tips for title tags and headlines:

  1. Google allows displaying up to 70 characters of title and up to 155 characters of meta description (updated May 2019).

  2. Make sure to use the correct <h1>, <h2>, <h3> structure, for good structure and readability.

  3. Pre-check search results with tools like our SERP simulator (pictured below), SEOSiteCheckup or a plugin for WordPress.

seo report

Write attractive titles (Title Tag), Meta Description and attractive Headlines

3. Use SEO-friendly URLs

  • Avoid using auto-generated URLs with confusing characters:

  • Select the URL that shows the content of the page:

If you use WordPress, you can set permalinks in the general settings.

seo guide

Select Settings > Permalinks > Post name to edit the site's URL (for WordPress)

Web SEO experts and bloggers say that short URLs get to the top more easily. I think it depends on the user experience issue. However, this doesn't mean that a 20-word URL is fine!

4. Diverse types of content used:

Do you want to attract users to visit your website? Feel free to use images, infographics, charts, and videos. They help reduce bounce rate and increase engagement.

Optimal checklist:

  • Optimize seo standard images by naming images without accents, related to the content of the image, optimizing alt tags for images

  • Embed (embedded) videos, charts into articles

5. External Link and Internal Link

Using External Links gives Google a signal that your topic is relevant.

Make sure your links lead to relevant pages and have an Authority Page.

Internal Links are a perfect way to promote other articles or sections of your website. Implement inter nal links to help users access the page more easily to the information they are looking for, thereby higher page interaction.

Internal links also help Google bots understand web structure.

Quick Tip

  • Outbound links may not directly improve your rankings, but they are highly recommended.

  • Use up to 2-3 Internal Links, depending on the length of the article.

  • Google bot will scan these links. So don't try to cheat and be careful if the links are broken.

  • Follow the SEO Topic Cluster model for Internal Links

Want to learn more about how to link effectively? Register information here to receive GTVSEO's Ebook.

6. Let people interact

You think: Great content will go viral on its own and be known by everyone?

Gone are the days of "natural musk incense". Nowadays, everyone is becoming more lazy, so social share buttons (Social Share Button) must always be on your website.

how to seo websiteDisplaying social sharing buttons will help your website increase interactions and posts more shares

According to BuzzSumo, social sharing rates have dropped by 50% since 2015.

In addition to social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, consider implementing more topic-specific and relevant social networks. Such as Reddit, Pinterest and many other networks.

SEO Technical

Technical SEO usually requires the person implementing this technique to have at least some coding or web developer skills. But don't worry, if your website is built on the wordpress platform, it will be very easy to optimize this part.

These are the most important technical factors you should focus on:

1. Install Google Search Console:

Setting up Google Search Console (webmaster tool) is one of the must-have tools when SEO is on top of Google, assisting you to monitor and maintain the presence and performance of your website in the future. Google Search.

This webmaster tool will help you:

  • Keyword ranking analysis

  • CTR

  • Google Penalties

  • And many other useful data for technical SEO.

Other features include reviewing, evaluating content suitable for mobile interfaces, submitting URLs you want Google Index to index, page errors, data structure errors and links.

Quick tip:

  • All properties (web pages) need to be verified in order to use Search console features.

  • Connect Search Console to Google Analytics.

  • How to verify your property (website) in Search Console

guide seo website to top 1 google

Google Search Console interface

2. Site Speed

Page Speed ​​is one of the ranking factors that you should improve regularly.

If the website doesn't load and display within 3 seconds, the user will leave.

Tip here:

  • Speed ​​test in PageSpeed ​​Insights.

  • Optimize seo standard images, enable GZIP compression, HTML compression, JS and CSS minification and try to reduce server response time.

  • Quality web hosting plays a big role in website speed. So make sure to choose a reliable supplier.

Self-taught basic seo

Do a speed test in PageSpeed ​​Insights

3. Optimized for mobile phones

Optimizing your website to display on mobile phones is a must.

The whole world is moving from using desktop computers to mobile devices. In fact, implementing a website that is not optimized for mobile devices will very negatively affect your rankings.

Google actually released the Mobile-First Index update in March 2018. Accordingly, Google will use the mobile version of the website for indexing and ranking.

Quick tip:

  • Test your website's responsiveness in the Mobile-Friendly Test.

  • Monitor your keyword rankings in mobile search results.

  • Make sure the mobile version of your website works smoothly.

study seoRemember to optimize your website display on mobile devices!

You might also consider AMP. It has extended HTML code with custom attributes that allows faster rendering of static content.

4. Sitemap

Site map Website is a file that lists all the sections of your website, making it easy for search engines to crawl your content. It can be said that a sitemap is very convenient when you run a large website with a complex structure.

Having a sitemap doesn't mean your rankings will improve. According to Google, sitemap is beneficial, but without it, the website will not be penalized.

Quick tip:

  • Not all websites need a sitemap.

  • There are more types of sitemaps than just XML sitemaps.

  • Sitemap should not contain more than 50,000 URLs and cannot exceed 50 MB.

  • Place the sitemap in the site root directory:

seo homepage

XML sitemap created by Yoast SEO

5. Robots.txt

Robots.txt is a file that tells google bots which parts of your website you don't want them to visit. It has a structure of and this message file is completely public.

It helps when you don't want some unnecessary scripts, files or images to be indexed.

Robots.txt syntax:

  • User-agent: * (e.g. Googlebot)

  • Not allowed : / (eg /images/pizza.png)

Quick tip:

  • Do not use robots.txt to hide content from search engines.

  • Crawler or robot malware won't be able to breach robot.txt

how to do seo effectivelyIllustration of the file robots.txt


In 2014, Google announced it would increase the ranking of HTTPS/SSL sites. Now, we all know that this is one of the criteria that only slightly affects the ability to rank.

However, the issue of security is a strong psychological factor.

For example, Google Chrome, is labeled as an unsecured site because it is not encrypted with SSL, and it affects user interaction.

7. URL/IP canonicalization

In general, IP canonicalization is important when a website is indexed under both its IP address and domain name.

URL canonical means: and will be the same URL.

8. Add Structured Data to your website

Structured Data (or structured data) is a piece of code that is inserted into a website to help search engines better understand website content. This data also helps the Page Index tool to be efficient and return many relevant results.

self-study web seo

A Schema declaration on the Structured Data Testing Tool

In addition, data structure increases the value of search results when adding "rich snippets" such as review, price, rating, etc., so that your results return full information and take up more space on the search page. sword.

Thanks to such outstanding visual effects, rich snippets are a way to attract users to click. From there, increase the CTR rate and bring in more visits. With all these benefits, there's no reason why you should refuse to add structured data to your website, right?

9. Fix Duplicate Content

Duplicate Content is one of the serious errors affecting search rankings and website traffic.

The reason is that Google is aiming for valuable content for users. And if you create the same content, your website is not considered worthy of a high position on the rankings.

Learn more: How Effective Website Content Audit Boosts Website Ranking.

You can correct duplicate content by:

  • Prevent CMS from publishing articles with the same content (by disabling Session IDs and removing printer-friendly versions of articles)

  • Use the canonical tag to tell Google which content is the main version to rank for.

effective seo

Make sure your content is not duplicated

Summary of 20 Technical SEO errors

In the process of implementing SEO projects, GTV's technical team also encountered many difficulties. From there, we've come up with 20 technical mistakes that impact SEO the most.

These errors are often related to the technical checklist I mentioned above about page load speed, sitemap, canonical, 404, etc.

Specifically, what each error is and how to handle it will be updated in detail in this article 20 Technical SEO Errors!

technical SEO error

Web SEO Guide: How to Fix Technical SEO Errors

Can't handle error! Do not worry! Let GTV SEO take care of it!

Content and SEO

In this chapter, I will share with you about one of the indispensable components when implementing SEO strategies that is content. Building quality standard content, optimally meeting user requirements will contribute to the complete success of your SEO strategy. Okay, let's find out with me right here.

how to seo website to the top

Content & SEO are two independent terms or an ideal couple?

Content and SEO factors support each other very effectively in optimizing websites for search engines and users.

There is a common perception among some marketers that: perfect content does not need web SEO.

That's a mistake! And I'll show you why?

Seriously, can you imagine a perfectly optimized website with content that no one will read?

Some people still believe that:

  • What is web SEO? Is it for search engines?

  • Content for users.

Wrong! In Online Marketing, Content & SEO always work together. You create unique content and at the same time optimize it for search engines and viewers. This technique is sometimes referred to as “SEO content” or “SEO copywriting”.

What content should I create? This is the first and most important question. The answer (at least in theory) is simple: Unique content.

Writing good, novel, thought-provoking, and engaging Content Marketing is a great place to start. Content and SEO have to go hand in hand from the start. You can choose from different types of content:

#first. Blog

A good blog is capable of attracting users to e-commerce websites, businesses or professional service providers.


  • Be the original, not the copy. Writing unique content is always a prerequisite for blogging.

  • Do your own research and use new data

  • Length is not everything, but also quality and value for readers

  • Be consistent in your content to create a strong personal brand

  • Partnering with companies and influencers

seo techniques

Example GTV SEO Blog page

#2. Product page

Quality product pages should be the top priority of every online business.

effective ways to seo website

Using product pages in online business

Product pages are often used as landing pages for PPC campaigns, including AdWords remarketing or paid social media.

Quick tip:

  • When it comes to eCommerce, you need to have a clear description of the product, how much it costs, and how to buy it (CTA).

  • Use professional images of your products and write compelling descriptions

  • Site speed and UX are especially important

#3. Case studies

A case study is about showing the world how you do things, sharing interesting data you've collected, revealing what your strategy for keeping customers happy is or how you failed to launch a new one. new product.

Perhaps the best thing about case studies is that they are always unique and bring new knowledge to readers.

how to seo website to top 1 google

Actual case study will bring interesting things to the audience

Quick tip:

  • Take the time to do research, prepare enough data, and provide truthful, reliable information

  • If you are writing about your business, show people the spirit and humanity of your business

  • Don't use an awkward tone, people don't like boring success stories

Check out this survey on the benefits of publishing Buzzsumo's first research:

#4. Infographics

Everyone loves Infographics! They are easy to share and also easy to download.

SEO website to the top

Creating Infographics is about making information beautiful and easy to read.

Quick tip:

  • Infographics are still great for sharing and linking, so make sure you have both data and design flexibility.

  • Use only the most important data

  • Create a story, add charts or images

  • When uploading Infographics as an image, don't forget to write a “transcript” because the text in the image cannot be read by the crawler.

#5. Articles Tutorials, how-tos, tips & tricks

How-to articles are often evaluated as part of blogging.

“Instructions for making…” And “How…how” are catchy titles. You can write tutorials or how-tos, but remember there are thousands of similar articles.

Don't copy others though, offer tips & tricks that are different from your competitors.

Quick tip:

  • Design your own videos or at least use your screen captures and screenshots.

  • Reach the product owner or seller to get a backlink or share on their social networks the files

  • If you're writing your own product guide, put the guide on your product's landing page to get more traffic and an internal backlink.

learn seo website

Effective SEO tips

#6. Video

High engagement, social shares, likes, backlinks, more leads and conversions.

These are the biggest benefits of using video content. Videos can increase conversion rates by 80%.

Quick tip:

  • Write the script first, then proofread and shoot according to the script

  • Prepare some budget for editing hardware and software or to hire a professional video producer

  • Post with translation, subtitles

  • Develop a marketing plan or at least plan basic promotional activities to secure the time and money you have invested

Of course, you don't always need to create your own videos. You can share or embed videos made by an industry expert!

It can enrich your content and make readers stay longer on your site.

#7. Ebook

Ebooks are often used to generate leads.

seo guide

GTV SEO Beginner's Guide to SEO

Usually, B2B (Business to Business) sites will require an email address to download the ebook, but there are also B2C (Business to Customer) sites that do the same thing.

Readers do not naturally leave information for you. You must provide your readers with good and quality ebooks.

Ebooks are usually in PDF format and contain a long piece of content.

Quick tip:

  • Write it like a real book: excellent themes, catchy title, included preview, authoritative author, word-for-word proofreading, and eye-catching design.

  • Drive users to download: use ebooks with unique content and special tips that are not available on your website or found in competitors

The ideal post length is…?

How long the specific article is depends on many factors including the intent of the customer (user intent). For example, if the user's intention is mainly to see images, you can't write an article that is too long, the text is all text, but you must focus on providing more images.

To better understand this issue, you can see my latest article on Search Intent and Content SEO improvement method 2021!

self-study seo online

The specific length of the article depends on many factors

What about duplicate content in other articles or sections of the web?

Sooner or later we will all come to a time when we have to repeat a few words that we have mentioned in the website.

If there is too much duplicate content on your site, you can use 3 01 redirect or link rel=canonical section.

You can learn more on the Google Search Console help page.

The algorithm Google developed will distinguish whether you're doing intentional iterations or as a natural part of new content, so stay calm.

If you are thinking of copying someone else's content then you can stop reading this web SEO guide. I am not at all in favor of stealing content from others. The risks, not to mention the costs, would be enormous. Google will definitely penalize and remove your site from the search results.

There is a popular tool dedicated to detecting plagiarism is Copyscape. All you need to do is enter the article's URL and search.

Don't try to copy them, try to create your own unique content and optimize it perfectly.

Right after that, you can start promoting.

SEO website to the top of google

Unique content brings a lot of value

Keyword research

When it comes to web SEO, it's impossible not to mention keyword research. This is one of the most basic SEO tasks. In this chapter, you will be taught how to find your niche and how to find profitable keywords that you can rank for.

Creating content without keyword research will not be successful. Content that is not properly optimized will also not win rankings and website traffic will be low. You need to know what keywords to filter out that can help you increase traffic to target and implement them.

Where to find keywords?

There are many different ways to find keywords, I have detailed instructions in this video, let's find out now!

Learn more: Details How to do keyword research to increase conversion rates 2021

Keyword Indicators

Previously, Content Creator only researched keywords to find keywords with high search volume and then stuffed them into content to fool search engine algorithms to ensure high rankings in natural search.

This is no longer useful as keyword research has become a lot more complicated! You have to work with more metrics, consider the Google RankBrain algorithm and the actual SERP you plan to rank for.

Google RankBrain

RankBrain is a component of Google's algorithm based on artificial intelligence that helps Google understand the intent behind a search query and provide the most relevant results thanks to a machine-learning system.

Related keywords with high search volume and low keyword difficulty – an ideal combination of the three most important elements of keyword research.

We call it the Tripod Rule of Keyword Research – because these three elements represent three legs. As soon as you grab one of the legs, the tripod will collapse.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy and you need to find a balance between the factors.

#first. Long-tail keywords compared to search volume (volume)

Start by searching for Long-tail Keywords. Long tail keywords are keywords that usually consist of 3 or more words, quite detailed. However, it usually doesn't get as many searches as other popular keywords but has a huge potential for conversions.

Visitors who find you through long tail keywords will engage with your content more and convert more from them.

Because the query is specific enough to find truly relevant results. And you'll want to be on top of relevant results.

The biggest disadvantage of Long-tail Keyword is that the average monthly search volume is quite small. Sometimes, the volume of these keywords is less than 100 monthly searches.

That's why you need to find the right balance, and a metric called Keyword Difficulty will help you achieve this.

wordpress seo guide

Long-tail keywords are keywords that usually consist of 3 or more words, quite detailed

#2. Keyword Difficulty – Keyword Difficulty

Once you find the keywords you want to rank for, you'll need to assess how difficult it is.

Keyword Difficulty is a very useful metric that will help you with it.

Keyword Difficulty is usually expressed on a scale of 0 to 100. The higher the score, the harder it is for a keyword to rank in the 1st SERP.

There are many Keyword Research tools on the market that calculate Keyword Difficulty.

The values ​​can be different – ​​for the same keyword, one tool scores 30 points while another gives 50 points.

That's because the calculation is based on slightly different metrics and algorithms. It is important to compare results in the same instrument.

#3. Search Intent – ​​Search Intent

SERP analysis is a very important part of Keyword Research. It will help you find out if:

  1. How can you compete with sites in SERP 1

  2. Search intent (search intent) behind the keywords you want to optimize

By looking at the SERP, you can determine the intent behind a user's search query. If you're looking for "homemade pizza recipes," you probably don't want to order a pizza.

Always keep this in mind so you don't optimize for the wrong keywords.

seo to the top of google

Types of User Search Intent

There are 4 different types of Search Intent:

  • Navigation – search for a specific website/brand (“google”, “youtube”,…)

  • Information – general information search (“how to make coffee”)

  • Transactions – users want to buy something online (“buy iPhone 12 prestige”)

  • Commercial – users do research before buying (“iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 Pro”)

If you have a blog about pizza recipes, don't you need to rank #1 for the keyword “pizza” (with over 4 million monthly searches globally)?

Take a look at the keyword's SERP:

If you don't intend to compete with Pizza Hut or Domino's, there's no point in trying to get #1 for "pizza" alive.

These types of keywords are very attractive but in many cases they are not really relevant.

What's more, they represent only a few of all searches worldwide. The majority of searches are long tail queries.

website seoIdentifying the right Search Intent helps the SEO strategy succeed

How to FIGHT keyword research?

Newbies and impatient Content Creators often find a keyword with a high search volume on Google Keyword Planner or any other keyword research tool without paying attention to other metrics.

As we explained above, finding an ideal keyword does not mean that you will choose a keyword with a high search volume.

Another mistake is misinterpreting the data. The “competition” score in the Google Keyword Planner (GKP) and the keyword difficulty index are often confused and misunderstood.

The “Competition” in the GKP represents how competitive it is in Google AdWords – not how hard it is to rank for that keyword.

Avoid keyword stuffing. Another thing you should avoid at all costs is keyword stuffing.

Keyword research is no longer about finding an ideal keyword and using it as much as possible.

Instead, choose a focus keyword and use it in:

  • Heading card

  • Title Tag and Meta Description

  • Opening paragraph

  • Body (just a few repetitions is enough)

Google has evolved and Google really understands what content is about.

If the content is well-written, comprehensive, and user-friendly, you can actually rank for keywords you don't even use in your writing.

self-study seo at home

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Instead of using the same keyword over and over, try finding LSI keywords.

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are semantically related keywords with the main Head Keyword.

LSI keywords often change based on current search trends and it would be good to add these keywords to the article content. You can use LSIGraph to generate a range of useful keyword ideas.

Detailed instructions on how to SEO keywords effectively to the top 1 of Google

What is keyword SEO?

Keyword SEO is a technique that includes many stages with the ultimate goal of bringing keywords to the “top” of search engines. This is an important factor for any search engine.

Before I get to the point, I'll also briefly talk about how I collect and measure and analyze data:

About 100,000 keywords were randomly selected to be included in the study, each with a monthly search volume of at least 100.

From these keywords, the top 10 websites on page 1 of Google are extracted and analyzed, so about 1,000,000 URLs are analyzed. At each URL, I analyze each domain's HTML, backlinks and SERP snippet of each website.

The more backlinks – the higher the ranking

If you take a look at my videos and articles about SEO, you can realize that I'm a big fan of backlinks, from how to get social media backlinks to rank top google map, automate backlinks, backlinks infinite from Google to PBN (and many more that I will share with you in the near future).

One of the key factors affecting rankings on Google is the SEO backlinks strategy and this I completely agree based on my experience doing keyword SEO.

Complete seo document

Website Statistics Table by Rank and Backlinks

Remember that “On average, the top 2 positions of Google will account for 38% of all backlinks on the first page of Google”.

The chart above shows you that, when a website has more and more links pointing to it, it tends to go to the top of Google. (Ah, of course I'm saying here that you have to go for at least good backlinks, not go to a lot of bad links and then don't see the top, then say my article is just for viewing, it's a crime. I'm so).

Another thing I hear from Google SEOs is that “just write good SEO articles and you will naturally come to the top”, but as you can see, good articles are not enough!

The short conclusion is: If you do not have backlinks, you will hardly be able to rank at the top.

What you will do ?

As for the website, summarize the content that you want to rank for but are not at the top, then you can check out my series of videos on link building that can help you get better results!

If it is news articles and you find it takes time to create backlinks for your website , no problem! You can check out the set of videos that automate backlinks to help you rank top google in just a few days in these articles.

Getting backlinks from different domains is very important in Google SEO

We all know that backlinks with content are important, but we don't know the difference between getting backlinks from the same domain and getting backlinks from many different domains?

Below is a chart that demonstrates the importance of diversifying your backlinks source.


Website Statistics Table by Rank and Linking Domains

learn seo for beginners

Web statistics table based on ranking and Referring domains

And in fact, the website with the 1st position often has links from different domains 168% higher than the top 5 position.

Website statistics table based on Title length and rank

SEO to the top

URL length has a positive impact on SEO performance

And in fact, the website with the 1st position often has links from different domains 168% higher than the top 5 position.

web page seo

Graph of the amount of Linking Domains on the front page of Google

This is even more noticeable when you look at the website that reaches the top 1 of the SERPs: accounting for about 23% of link domains out of the total Link Domain of 10 websites on page 1.

More backlinks to the website is a good thing when SEO top Google. But many backlinks coming from many different domains can really help you improve your search results greatly.

In order for you to see the perfect ratio of this (especially for those of you who often go to forums and Blog Comment), and help you use it right after reading the article, I will analyze the backlinks ratio with domains of the data I collect.

how to do seo to the top of google

Website statistics table based on Backlinks on Domains ratio and ranking

As you can see on the chart, if the average rate of 1 domain can give you 37 backlinks that would be a great number! I hope this will greatly influence those of you who go to link forums, link profiles and give you a better and faster result.

What should you do?

Use tools like Ahrefs to analyze your top competitors for keywords, then list the links you can get from there and use a ratio of 37:1 (37 links: 1 domain) if possible. to make you get better results, also you can check out my list of linkbuilding videos to increase variety.

Content that is long and focused on a main topic often ranks higher than short articles

Are long content articles more effective than 200 word posts?

And here are the results of my research.

I've found that pages with longer content rank higher than pages with short articles.

learn basic seo

Website statistics table based on the amount of words in the article and rank

And in fact, after summing up the data, I found that the average word count of the top results was about 1,890 words.

Perhaps because of the fact that longer content is more likely to be shared. A study shows that content over 3000 words tends to be shared the most, you can check out the English article here.

Another theory is that long content articles can make Google understand your website more thoroughly. In addition, long articles also prove that the author of the article is very interested in publishing quality articles for users.

What do you have to do?

If possible, articles about keyword seo that provide information such as: "how to treat acne" or even sales articles, please write longer, more detailed as well as take care of it. The average number of "perfect" to help you rank better in the top Google is 1,890 words.

Google SEO: Short URLs and titles are extremely effective

The article title and URL are only two small parts that users will see when searching on Google, but they greatly affect the CTR rate of the website.

Although CTR is not mentioned by Google in affecting search rankings, there are studies that prove that CTR affects rankings and it becomes more and more important when Google rankbrain was born in 2016. .

To better understand the concept of CTR, please read the article “ What is CTR ? How much CTR is good in Adwords & SEO?”

Below is a chart showing the importance of Title and Short URLs.

how to do seo

Website statistics table based on Title length and rank

effective website seo

Website statistics table based on URL length and rank

The diagram above shows, Title and short URL affect Google rankings. This makes a lot of sense when:

  1. Long titles may be truncated when appearing on Google. This means that part of the sentence's meaning has been truncated, making it less appealing to the user to click.

  2. Short tiles will hit the right focus and quickly make it easy for readers to understand and find the results they want.

  3. Long URLs look a lot like spam in the SERPs.

  4. If the URL is too long, it will lose part of its benefits when the highlighted keywords (the keywords users search for) are cut off, causing the user's attention to be reduced.

What do you have to do? Filter out urls that are too wordy and look like spam and shorten their meaning if possible.

In addition to standard Title and URL, there are still 20 Onpage SEO factors to help your website On-top Google!

About 100% of Google SEO sites in position 1, 2 or 3 use https

Most of you probably already know that HTTPS has been announced by Google as one of the signals to help increase your rankings on the SERPs, but they haven't announced how much impact it will have. From my analytics, there is a connection between HTTPS and higher rankings on Google SERPs.

website SEO guide

Web stats table based on HTTPS usage and rankings

As you can see, HTTPS sites tend to rank higher than sites that don't. Maybe it's because Google places more and more importance on browser protection/user information, and soon they'll show users "warnings" when users visit HTTP sites – like you can. can be seen below, and this is not good at all.

google seo guideGoogle's warning when not using Https

So keep in mind that at least 33% of the websites that are ranking in the top 1, 2 and 3 of google are using HTTPS, I think this will become more and more important in the near future.

What should you do?

If your site is not already using HTTPS then you should start moving it over to https. If you don't know how you're going to do it, you should probably find out how to do it or get someone else to take care of it.

There is no connection between having schema and ranking high in Google

"Gympanzee" that when you have the schema in the website, you will have the ability to rank higher in Google. Ah yes, I used to believe that this seo top Google will work, I even made a video showing people how to add schema to WordPress websites , and of course, now I know I was wrong.

But "gypsy" often rumors that:

Schema helps Google understand your website better, when it understands what the website / article you are talking about, your website will be "recommended" for people to see more.

For example, you can use a schema to show people how to rate your website as shown below.

seowebExamples of pages that use schema to display ratings

The above will help you rank better keywords. And even John Mueller - a manager at Google also pointed out that they may include schema in a ranking signal in the future .

This time, is the "gypsy" rumor true?

Please read the article: What is Schema ? Schema Secrets in SEO

However, despite these rumors, data collected from a million pages shows the exact opposite result that there is no relationship between schema and higher rankings in Google. So it can be said that this SEO top Google method is really not effective.

seo top 1 google

Table of website statistics based on schema and rankings

What you will do?

You are free to add schema to your website but don't expect it to help you rank higher on google (at least for now).

The presence of Keyword in Title and URL is essential

Just as short Title/URL affects rankings in Google, I also tested to see how having keywords in Title and URL would affect, and the results were not too surprising to everyone. :v

how to seo website to top google

Table of website statistics based on the appearance of Keyword in Title and rank

What should you do? Review your important content and make sure that its title contains the keywords that you want to SEO on Google. For new content that you will be posting, make sure to include this. Well, avoid changing the url on your top websites, because it will have a big impact if you don't know what you're doing.

Outbound links help you improve search rankings

This is a piece that is not included in the articles I have compiled on the internet, but this is a study that was conducted to find out if outbound links have a positive effect on Google's top rankings and the answer will. you're surprised it's YES.

If you do not know what Outbound Link is, you can watch the video below, in this video I also talk about the experiment I am about to mention.

Here is an experiment by a group, they have SEO the words "phylandocic" and "Ancludixis", a meaningless word and no results appear on Google yet.

Self-taught basic seo

Conduct SEO testing of meaningless words

Then they created 10 websites, on the same host, the website was purchased on the same day and many other similar things to avoid the case of causing incorrect results from the research, those 10 websites are

  1. No Outgoing Links

  2. Outgoing Links

  3. No Outgoing Links

  4. Outgoing Links

  5. No Outgoing Links

  6. Outgoing Links

  7. No Outgoing Links

  8. Outgoing Links

  9. No Outgoing Links

  10. Outgoing Links

Next, they spend about 1 hour and start tracking the results, here are the results they get back when they test and it will surprise you.


SEO test results for the keyword “phylandocic”

learn about seo

SEO test results for the keyword “ancludixic”

Google once said that Outbound Link is not a ranking signal, but it helps readers get more information and helps google better understand what your website is about.

This means that Outbound Link is not a direct signal, but this way of SEO top Google indirectly helps improve results on google.

You can read more about how they tested and the results here

What should you do?

Although in the above experiment there is no conclusion that Outbound Links will have a strong influence on rankings, but one thing you know for sure is that it has a POSITIVE effect.

So, go back to the content you want to seo as well as the following articles, please link to websites in the same field (of course not competitors) and it will be better if it is dofollow links.

6 Secrets to finding keywords to climb to the top easily

I know, SEO keywords to the top of Google is not easy.

Regardless of the SEO practice process, just finding keywords that match the context, so that it's attractive, attracts readers as well as potential customers, is already a problem.

How to simplify the keyword search step must be a question that makes many people have a headache.

In this section, I will show you 6 super fun and easy to follow tips for the most effective keyword research! Let's find out what those 6 secrets are!

1. Find keywords based on questions through 2 tools and Question DB and Question DB are considered the two most perfect choices in choosing keywords for articles or blog posts on the website.

Not only are two useful free tools, and Question DB also help SEOers find the ideal set of keywords, build many attractive content articles for readers.

First, with, you will know what questions customers may ask around the topic you are covering in your article.

Next to Question DB, the form of operation is similar to; However, the set of questions in Question DB is considered to be more unique.

Another plus for these two tools is that the question keywords you get are long tail keywords, which not all competitors on the first page of Google have.

How to do web seo?

Find keywords based on questions through 2 tools and Question DB

2. Use Amazon to find e-commerce keywords

The process of keyword analysis in an e-commerce business is similar to that of keyword research for blog posts. The difference here is that, with ecommerce SEO, you need to find keywords for product pages, category pages, and more.

Because of that, we need a useful tool to help find the most appropriate keyword phrases for each product. One of them is Amazon, with suggestions no different from Google.

how to do seoAmazon helps find the right keyword phrases for each product

As you can see in the picture, just enter the name of a product or product category into the Amazon search bar, and a long list of results will immediately appear for you to choose from.

3. Find keywords that your competitors used to rank for

In fact, entering a bunch of random keywords into the search bar can get you confused, and the effectiveness is only visible for a short time.

Instead of relying on regular keyword tools, I came up with another way to go through the set of keywords that my competitors used to rank for.

Not only does this make for an interesting keyword list, but importantly, the process is EXTREMELY FAST.

As you can see in the example below, I just need to enter my competitor's domain name into the search field, and a few seconds later, I immediately get a list of thousands of keywords.

learn how to do web seo

Create a keyword list by entering competitor domains in the search field

In addition, there are a number of tools that help you find out how technically your competitors' best keywords work, such as: Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz Pro, etc. But, most of the tools. The above tools are all paid tools.

how to seo website effectively

Ahrefs is one of the best competitor keyword research tools

However, one thing you need to keep in mind is to only use the way to find technical principles according to your ability! That is, if your website domain does not have a lot of authority then choose a website with a similar case. Only then will you easily find keywords with high ranking potential.

4. Find search volume and CPC data with Google's keyword tool

Talking about finding search volume or predicting CPC, Google Keyword Planner is considered a super useful tool because the keyword data this tool provides comes from the most reliable data source: Google.

However, Keyword Planner still has 2 problems that need to be solved immediately:

  • You need to set up a Google account before using this tool

  • Only if your account has been or is already running Google ads will you receive monthly search volume metrics.

Rest assured, these 2 problems will be resolved quickly!

First, you need a Google Ads account to use Keyword Planner, this doesn't mean you need to run Google ads. As long as your account is fully set up, you are free to use the tool.

Next, if the tool gives you a list of search volume, as shown below:

run seo

Google Keyword Planner gives you a super useful search volume list

You can still add another keyword to the “Add to plan” section.

Basic seo study material

Add another keyword to the “Add to plan” section

The Plan Overview section will immediately display the exact number of impressions you will receive (basically it's still the monthly search volume).

bad seoPlan Overview will show exact impressions results

5. Discover popular keywords with Google Trends

Obviously, monthly search volume is an extremely important metric because it clearly reflects the influence of keywords on users. Keywords that go to the top of Google but no one wants to search for them also become useless.

However, search volume doesn't tell you how that keyword is trending. In the long run, you will find, keyword trends are more important than its search volume.

To find out keyword trends from time to time, you can use the Google Trends tool.

how to seo google

Google Trends helps find keyword trends from time to time

However, the monthly search volume results that this tool shows you are only a snapshot of a keyword's popularity, not telling you if it's trending or in need of restriction. use.

basic seo

Google Trends still has certain limitations

But anyway, based on that popularity, you already know what to do, how to choose keywords to achieve the expected effect, right?

6. Find topics and keywords through BuzzSumo

Technically, BuzzSumo is not a keyword analysis tool. But, if you know how to use it, BuzzSumo is really a great tool to find keywords.

The usage of BuzzSumo can be described as follows:

  • First, you enter the name of any website into the search box on BuzzSumo

seo for website

How to use BuzzSumo to SEO Top 1 Google effectively

  • You will then get a list of the best articles on that site, as shown below:

learn basic web seo

List of the best articles on the website

Although this list mainly shows article topic suggestions, through it, you can also find SEO keywords as well as options; How SEO top Google is suitable for your article.

Link Building

In Chapter 8 of this SEO Guide to the top of Google, I will guide you in detail about link building. This is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization.

Link building is your website getting links from other websites.

From a technical perspective, backlinks are hypertext links that act as navigation between web pages. The links are crawled by search engines allowing them to index web content.

Why is Link Building so important?

Search engines use links to discover new web pages and to rank a website overall on the SERP.

In other words, they discover new content and determine the authority of a website based on authority passed on from outside sources.

A website's backlink profile is one of the most important ranking factors.

When Google introduced PageRank in the 1990s, the number of backlinks pointing to a website was used as an important measure of overall ranking. The more links you earn, the better your rankings. But since this can be easily abused, Google has updated several algorithms that focus on penalizing shady link building techniques.

Today, Link Building is no longer about the quantity of backlinks, but mainly about quality and relevance.

seo web

Link Building is no longer about the quantity of backlinks, it's about the quality

Types of backlinks

In general, there are 2 types of backlinks:

  • Do-follow backlink: transfers the power and authority of the linking site to the linked page. This flow of power is called Link Juice

  • No-follow backlink: does not give any power or authority to the linked sites. No-follow backlinks with the HTML tag rel="nofollow" inform the robot that it doesn't care about the linked website when scanning the web.

Anchor text

Anchor Text is a visible piece of text that, when you click on a hyperlink, will redirect you to a new web page. Besides, anchor text is also known as linklabel, link text, or link title.

If many pages link to your website with the same anchor text phrase, your website will rank high for these terms in the search engines.

For example: There are more than 100 websites that point backlinks to my website using the same word "SEO course" as anchor text, then there is a high chance that my website will Top for the keyword “SEO course” above.

Are you thinking… All you need is a lot of backlinks pointing to your website with anchor text that is also SEO keywords… However, it's not that easy!

An Over-optimized Anchor Text profile can get your website penalized by Google. It is better to choose natural anchor texts than to try to artificially refine them.

There should be a balance between the following six types of anchors:

  • Keyword SEO (“web SEO guide”)

  • Trademark (“GTV”)

  • Branded Glossary (“web SEO guide by GTV”)

  • Generic anchor text (“website”)

  • Bare URL (“”)

  • CTA (“click here”, “read more”)

For more detailed information about anchor text and how to optimize them, check out our article dedicated to Anchor Text.

Basic seo tutorial

Learn More about Anchor Text to Boost SEO

Learn more: General Knowledge about Anchor text

Quality of backlinks

Google carefully checks the quality of the pages that point back to your website:

  • Domain Authority (DA): the authority of the domain name

  • Page Authority (PA): the authority of a particular website

  • Other link profile quality metrics

What are some metrics from Moz and the trust flow in Majestic SEO that can help us approximate these values:

  • Moz Page Authority (PA)

  • Moz Domain Authority (DA)

  • Majestic Trust Flow (TF)

  • Majestic Citation Flow (CF)

The higher these indicators, the higher the quality of the backlink.

When we go through Majestic “Trust Flow” and “Citation Flow”, we get a different assessment of links.

  • Trust Flow indicates that sites associated with a trusted seed site have a higher Trust Flow score, while sites that may have some suspicious links see a lower score. a lot of.

  • Citation Flow predicts the impact of a URL based on the number of websites linking to it.

Link Building Strategy

1. Guest Posting: Guest Posting is probably the most popular Link Building technique

The way Guest Posting is very simple: You write a post and post it on another website. The site will get free content and you will get a free backlink. Win-win, right?

And of course, the rest depends on the quality. If you want a good backlink, you need the best quality guest post possible.

2. Competitor's Backlink

A time-consuming but still quite effective backlink strategy is to build links from the effective strategies of your competitors.

Check out the sites that point backlinks to your competitors, then create better content and contact the admins of those sites to ask them to link to your site instead of your competitors.

how to seo website

Refer to the backlink system from competitors

Other Link Building Strategies

  • Link Building is based on great content: Create extremely quality content that will naturally attract backlinks, social shares and Referral Traffic.

  • Social Backlink: Share your content on social media channels like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or Pinterest, Linkedin and join the discussion with people about the topic of the article.

  • Broken link building: Find sites with broken links and give them your article to replace that broken link.

  • PR Newspaper: articles about business branding written by experts and published on reputable sites will give you high quality backlinks, but the cost for this part is quite high and you need to find the right pages. with your field.

  • Buy backlinks from websites in the same field

  • Backlinks from forums, Q&A sites, top lists, comments (most of these backlinks are usually no-follow or low-quality)

  • Building a satellite site system Private Blog Network (PBN)

Black Hat Technique and Google Penalty

Paid backlinks and PBN links are another way to build links but they are considered black hat (or gray hat) SEO making it easier for Google to detect and penalize your site.

On the other hand, these techniques are quite effective. You just need to be extremely careful and think about all the possible risks before going down the Black Hat route. 😊

seo web len top

Black Hat SEO Techniques in Link Building

Google Penalty – Google Penalty

Google updated this algorithm in April 2012 to detect and penalize bad, spammy, or low-quality links.

However, if you have spammy or low-quality backlinks that you didn't create, don't panic!

Google understands that not all bad backlinks are created on purpose and often, worst case scenario will ignore these backlinks.

If you want to be sure, you can still disavow such backlinks in Search Console.

Best practices:

  • Do Link Building regularly, don't just get excited to do it once and then "rest well"

  • A few high quality links is much better than a bunch of low quality links

  • Allocate a natural Anchor Text density based on the tips I listed in the Anchor Text section

  • Avoid backlinks from poor quality spam sites

  • Trying to get backlinks from high ranking page will bring you Referral Traffic.

GTV has videos on quality Link building techniques from basic to advanced. Link building is easier than ever with expert guidance. So don't worry!

Continue to the last chapter of the article! Hold on, we're almost done!

SEO Tools

This chapter 9 will reveal to you SEO tools to help you build and execute your SEO strategy in the safest and most effective way. These tools support you from keyword research, standardizing content to optimizing other advanced SEO factors. Let's learn about these tools right away!


Having done web SEO, you can't help but know Ahrefs!

It can be said that Ahrefs is an extremely powerful tool and when it comes to website crawling in the world, Ahrefs is second only to Google!

Because of this, Ahrefs is famous for its ability to help you analyze competitor websites (especially check the amount of backlinks of competitors).

Some other useful features include:

  • Check and analyze website content, keywords

  • Check the virality of the content by checking the interaction indicators from social networks

  • Keyword research

  • Estimated website traffic

However, Ahrefs is a rather expensive paid tool (with a 7-day trial available) and often the Vietnamese SEO community will use the general purchase version to save more.

Related Posts: What is Ahrefs ? The All-in-One Tool for SEOs

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the must-have plugins for any website that uses WordPress. By suggesting guidelines for optimizing pages and articles on your website, Yoast SEO helps you have a clear view of how your website is showing up in Google.

WordPress Yoast SEO Plugin

Besides, the latest update of Yoast SEO now adds the ability to generate XML sitemaps and even create Schema for your website to help you shorten your onpage optimization time.

Some useful features of Yoast SEO in suggested editing:

  • Title (page title)

  • Meta description

  • Is there an index page?

  • Target keyword of the article

Related Articles: Latest Yoast SEO Guide 2021

Google Analytics

As a free website analytics tool provided by Google, Google Analytics helps you track and report website traffic metrics.

It can be said that Google Analytics is used by almost all websites in the world.

Google Analytics helps you review, learn and evaluate user activities on the website through the following metrics:

  • Session duration (session duration)

  • Pages per session (number of pages viewed in each session)

  • Bounce rate (bounce rate)

  • Source of traffic to the website

Google Search Console

Google Search Console was formerly known as Google Webmaster Tool. This is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to effectively administer your website and control its indexing and display capabilities.

Specifically, Search Console helps you:

  • Ask search engines to index and fix index problems

  • Error message in website

  • Review the traffic data from Google (organic traffic) by looking at the following metrics:

  • Click-through-rate (CTR) of each URL

  • Keywords often used by users to find you

Google Tag Manager

Just like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, Tag Manager is also a free tool from Google.

However, in terms of functionality, Google Tag Manager is more about helping you manage and tag tags (snippets, code or tracking pixels) on your website without having to have any knowledge or experience in coding.

SEO PowerSuite

SEO PowerSuite is a set of paid tools that many SEOers consider using. With many small tools integrated, SEO PowerSuite has almost every function needed for web SEO, including:

  • Website Audit and Optimization => Website Auditor Tool (visually view website structure, run a website scanner and check, output analysis about TF-IDF)

  • Keyword research and rank tracking => SEO Rank Tracker tool (review, evaluate keywords to help businesses achieve high conversions, build keyword maps)

  • Check the competitor's backlink profile, compare the current website with the competitor => SEO SpyGlass tool

  • Consider linking possibilities with the LinkAssistant . tool

Measure, test and continuously optimize

Measuring, testing and constantly improving your SEO strategy is indispensable when you want your website to have a sustainable ranking over time. SEO is not just done once, you always have to maintain it. Maintain and optimize it every day. Below are the tasks that you must do to maintain website SEO results.

Statistics & Measurements

To be able to make statistics and measure performance, you can use Google Analytics to track the following metrics:

  • Traffic

  • Visitors daily, monthly

  • Time onsite

  • Page views for each session, Page views total daily

  • Access source from Search Organic

  • Bounce rate

  • Favorite pages

  • The backlink assessment report retains quality backlinks and rejects harmful backlinks to the page

Improve, upgrade the quality of SEO strategy

  • Based on the measurement & evaluation steps, you should determine which criteria are low and not good enough to improve the SEO strategy for the next process:

  • Ensure the quality of the site's content

  • Optimize navigation and internal links

  • Using Outbound links increases trust with Google about content

  • Create user navigation with 404 page when there is a resource not found error

  • Page loading speed

  • Improve user experience

  • Interface design compatible with devices

  • Keyword outreach strategy

Some frequently asked questions when starting to do SEO

Here are a few questions asked by newcomers or longtime SEOs, the answers below can help you somewhat understand the problem more deeply.

How to find the most effective SEO method?

There is no one-size-fits-all SEO strategy for every project, so it's up to you to figure out what works for you. Through research, analysis and the suggestions above you can find the SEO method that best suits your project.

How do I get my website to the top of search results?

With all the knowledge about SEO, about improving user experience, about what is a quality website. Understand that knowledge and understand how Google evaluates and ranks a website to focus on fixing and improving its website.

Optimizing all the evaluation factors of Google and providing a good user experience, your article will surely be put on the first page of Google.

How long does SEO take to get results?

It depends on your industry, the level of competition, your approach and execution. Usually the cycle will be 3-6 months or even 12 months to see the obvious effect of SEO.

Should I do SEO or run PPC ads?

SEO is a method suitable for long-term projects, not for short-term projects. Therefore, if you want to attract target customers to your business website, you can implement paid advertising.


It can be said that SEO is a continuously developing industry that requires SEO webmasters to update their techniques and knowledge regularly.

In this web seo tutorial article, I have given you a systematic web SEO knowledge system with detailed articles that you can learn more about. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them below this article!

But if your goal is SEO for an e-commerce website, then the “5 Days of Mastering Basic E-Commerce SEO” kit is for you. Quantities are limited, don't miss this opportunity! 📩

E-commerce SEO

Hope the knowledge and experience that I share in this web seo tutorial will be useful to you, wish you success!

#gtvseo #gtv_seo #huong_dan_seo_web

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