Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 1, 2022

Disavow Link Step by Step & Restore Google Manual Action

Before learning what disavow link is, I would like to tell you a case of GTV SEO. Recently, you must have seen that GTV SEO was penalized by google, causing our position of the keyword "seo services" top 1, which has been fixed for nearly a year, to disappear from google.

Website was so heavy that it lost its index even in our GTVSEO brand keywords when searching google. As a result, during the last Tet holiday, the whole GTV team sat down to plow and remove backlinks all day. The process of doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of GTV is also not easy.

Finally, Google "pardons" after a month of non-stop link removal! (why I say “parole” and not full parole, I will cover below). Finally, the good news is that as soon as Google released us, we exploded back to the top one.

google disavow

GTV SEO celebrates after being spared by Uncle Google and back to the top

This article of mine is to share the GTV SEO penalty removal process. The accumulated experience and knowledge of removing fines from more than 50 projects. Just like GTV SEO itself, in particular, the google penalty penalizes backlinks.

The first thing you need to know about Penguin 4.0 and Disavow links is the first thing before you understand about penalties.

Why and When to Disavow Link?

What is Google Disavow?

The Disavow Tool (Full name is Google Disavow Backlink) is a tool in Google Search Console. Google Disavow allows webmasters to block dirty links (or dirty backlinks) from low-quality or irrelevant websites, helping to avoid Google penalties caused by dirty backlinks.

What is Google Disavow?

Need to know what Google Disavow is to better protect the website

This happens when you see a lot of dirty backlinks pointing to your website, causing the website to be negatively affected and ranked. Worse, you will even get penalized by google!

You must know that there will be 2 ways google will penalize your website

Google Algorithm with Disavow Link

With google's algorithm, specifically the current penguin 4.0. The algorithm will no longer penalize dirty links on the website, but only ignore or devalue the links. The links are spammy in nature and therefore the ranking order will be changed & adjusted.

But that doesn't mean you keep building a bunch of spammy backlinks and you think "oh, google won't penalize you. So my website has not been downgraded at all. So there's nothing to worry about!"

That's really not true…

Penguin will probably no longer penalize your site, but there are still Google's own penalties out there. And if you disavow dirty/spam backlinks to your website, your ranking will definitely improve quite significantly.

The image below is a case study from March 2017 when Michael Cottam Disavow. The backlinks are not good to the client site and after only 4 days, the traffic increased from a few hundred a day to nearly 3000 / day

Michael Cottam disavow backlink - disavow

Michael Cottam Case Study March 2017 – Disavow backlink

So, if you disavow spam/bad backlinks to your website, you can improve your rankings significantly. I will show you how to remove specific dirty backlinks below.

>>> Articles you may be interested in: What is External link? General knowledge about external links that you must know

Manual Actions

Manual action is a very heavy penalty of google, at this time, the staff at google will have the same checklist to review your website. After reviewing, google discovered that you have backlinks that violate their policies. You will receive a message below.

google penalize manual actions

Notify Google when someone violates their policies

From 24 hours when you receive the notice, your website will be seriously downgraded (maybe from page 1 of google and down to page 5, 6, even outside the top 100...)

2 levels of manual action

There are 2 levels in this punishment are

  • Partial penalty

  • Full penalty

In the partial penalty, only some of your Urls are "hit", others can keep their rank. But if you get a full penalty, this is google's heaviest penalty for a website. At this time, your entire domain will be punished by google. GTV also suffered from this phenomenon around the end of January 2018.

gtv seo hacked

GTV SEO lost its color after 1 episode of account hacking

At this point, your entire website may drop seriously. No one can find it, some even lose their index from google. I must say it is extremely bad when you encounter this situation…

What to do when you get manual action

One fine day, you were asked by google and sent an email to your inbox saying that you violated google's policy. At this point, you need to prepare a stable mind before handling the problem.

The Truth About Manual Actions and Backlinks

Most people think that only websites with spam backlinks will be penalized by Google. The schools of safe linking (white hat - white hat) such as guest posts, social networking links, link bait, etc. will never be.

Wrong… This is a huge misconception… And I will show you the truth behind it

facts about google manual action

The hard truth about backlinks and manual actions

Google's Rules

If you read google's rules in backlinks, you'll see google says:

Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site.

English summary: Any action/behavior that tries to manipulate and build backlinks to your website. Or point links to other websites that are likely to be listed in violation of google's backlink policy.

Do you understand? Any action/behavior…

This means that even if you use the Guest Post method, go to forum links in related fields. Create a social networking site for your brand, Link Bait, etc. Any form that you think is building backlinks in the style of white hat, black hat or gray hat or backlinks that will help you get a boost. Flying to the top 1 or dropping to the top regularly when receiving backlinks are likely to violate google's policy.

For example, the case where Google penalizes the natural Backlink

Let me show you some images google penalizes even the most natural backlinks on major social networking sites, guest posts on sites in the same niche.

google penalize website manual action

Even large websites can still be penalized for backlinks or guest posts

Then, even the biggest branded website in the world that you think it will never be penalized by google, google is still likely to behave as usual.

For example, in March 2013 BBC was penalized by google for unusual links , or Ebay in 2014 suffered from Manual Actions and Revenue decreased by more than $200 million (so if you are penalized it is still better than Ebay. a lot when they lose $200 million)

ebay is fined

Ebay was manually fined and lost 200 million USD

At this point, I am sure you will have some mentality as:

  1. Backlinks are too dangerous! Stop doing backlinks, just do content…Answer: So you think google can penalize big websites and penalize backlinks that are considered "the most natural", then google doesn't have the same penalty with content? Do not think that. Google also censors content as harshly as backlinks. (I will talk specifically about the cases where you can't believe that google can penalize the content aspect in another article)

  2. So now I have a manual action. Are you saying that I have to remove all the backlinks the website receives? Answer: Oh of course not. I am here and will help you remove the google penalty.

Mental preparation is extremely strong

As you can see, even BBC & Ebay are penalized, so it's normal for your website to be manually actioned. So, don't panic when you receive a website penalty notice and calmly deal with the problem.

mentally strong disavow link

Next, you should also prepare psychologically to remove failure as well as your backlink removal can take up to 1 month, 2 months and even higher. Don't think that you can remove it quickly and restore it in just 1 or 2 weeks. I know a lot of good SEO people. And when they get an unusual link penalty, it even takes 2 months in many cases to get the penalty removed by google (it takes me 1 month on average).

Don't use Disavow Link tool yet

Even if you use the Disavow tool for adjacent domains and the entire domain/Url you put in it is all what google wants you to remove, but that doesn't mean google accepts it and google will remove it. penalty.

When I received Google's notice about GTV SEO being penalized, I quickly disavowed and sent google review. After 5 days, I received the following google message

google refuses disavow request

GTV SEO uninstall failed manual task

Google not only wants you to disavow dirty backlinks, but they also want to see your efforts in restoring the website. They want to see the bad backlinks to your website REALLY removed, not just disavow/disavow that link via google tools. In the video below, Matt Cutts also makes this very clear.

So try to go into the websites you have built and actually remove them and email the website owners to have them remove the links to your site. Remember, the decision to disavow is the final move after considering all the other possibilities.

How to detect bad backlinks

This part is a bit more complicated.

To identify dirty links, you need to take the first step in the link handling section. I'll quickly show you how through Google's tutorial below.

remove bad backlinksInstructions for handling links that need to be removed

The image below shows an interface similar to the Webmaster Tool interface

First, go to the left sidebar of the website and then click on the item “Search Traffic”. Next, select “Links to your website”. Under “People who link the most”, select “Add”.

How to get a list of backlinks?Instructions to get a list of pages linking to the website

Finally, select “Download more sample links”

You will immediately get a list of pages linking to your website.

This list shows both good and bad links. Your task is to separate them so that it is easy to remove the dirty links in them.

Rest assured that you do not have to do that filtering process manually, there will be a link analysis tool to help you work faster.

Talking about finding dirty backlinks , I believe in using Ahrefs tool. And this is one of the most effective backlinks tools I have ever used to filter out bad backlinks

This list is extremely important. These are all bad links you will remove. Copy and paste them into some data set.

Note about Disavow Link

Before moving on to the next step and removing links, I want you to keep the following in mind. If you don't have too many links, it's a good idea to check them often.

While these are really useful support tools, they are still just machines. So sometimes you need to check things out yourself.

Of course, you don't have to if you have a lot of dirty links. In that case, just take a quick glance and check to see if any of the URLs are still valid. Then visit those sites.

Of course, you should make sure you have anti-virus software installed. And do not curiously click on any unsafe websites.

Ok, now it's time for you to filter dirty backlinks, the first type of backlink I filter will be…

Backlinks are not related to the domain of the Website

Let's go over a few examples of the different types of websites you might want to disavow.

Let's say you run a marketing blog and you discover links from a website with the topic “Pregnancy – Mother & baby”, … What does pregnancy have to do with marketing? This is a good example showing you that links about unrelated domains will be alerted first

The problem is not that these links link to your website, the problem is that their domain is completely different from the content you are aiming for.

That alone is reason enough to get rid of them.

Strange and unusual domain extensions

Unusual domain extensions are indicative of dirty links. Extensions like .click or .xyz are most likely poor quality websites.

If content backlinks are not in your niche, seriously consider removing them unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.

You should also watch for domain extensions like .ru or .cn. These aren't dirty links, but they're not all that common.

Now let's take a look at some spam sites.

Spamable backlinks show up in many different shapes and sizes.

Some links are more recognizable than others. For example, the .xyz domain has a reputation for spam.

These sites are often very dangerous. Some are “warez” sites, which are download sites for software that destroy application systems. Or backlinks come from foreign countries but have nothing to do with your industry

Bad backlinks destroy the application system

There are more recognizable bad backlinks like this

Domain lost Index

Whether you get backlinks from a site in the same niche. But what if that site has been penalized by google. And make it no longer indexed on google, it is still a bad backlink!

The fastest way to check if the domain is still indexed or not, you just need to type the syntax into google. If the result is zero, please remove these links immediately

Domain Duplicate IP and No Traffic

The backlinks to your website, if there is the same hosting IP address and these websites do not have any backlinks to them. Then there is a high chance that you can easily be watched and handled by google. I have talked about this issue very carefully when it comes to Footprint

The fastest way you can check which domain has the same IP, you can check Ahrefs and choose Refing IP.

check reffering ip ahrefs

Check Reffering IP on Ahrefs to avoid being spied on by Google

Now you will see links with the same IP address – specifically the same IP in classes C, D. Then filter out which links do not have any traffic and remove them.

Link Research Tools

Link Research tools are an extremely effective tool in knowing which of your websites have links that violate google policy. Which links are at risk as well as which are natural.

Currently, this is the most effective tool in the world voted by many SEO people in the world in removing abnormal links to the website. I have made a video explaining the tools and using them step by step below:

Disavow in 5 minutes with Ahrefs

While not as precise as Link Research Tools, Ahrefs is definitely one of the options. Helps you to see and handle bad backlinks to your website quickly. I have made a specific video below

Proceed to use the Disavow tool

Step 1: Create a file.txt of the domains/links you want to disavow

Again, try to remove backlinks to your website instead of just disavowing them.

Make sure your list of dirty backlinks does not contain any errors. Then use the Disavow tool.

Step 1: Create a file.txt of the Domains/Links you want to Disavow

There are 2 cases to note:

  • Disavow the link, that is, only delete the backlink on that page, but do not delete the entire website, then in the file fill in the following:

  • Disavow the domain name (domain), that is, delete the backlink in the entire website, the syntax displayed in the file is programmed as:

Step 2: Login to Google Webmaster Tools

Login to Google Webmaster Tools via email address

Sign in to Google Webmaster Tools

Sign in to Google Webmaster Tools

Step 3: Visit the website

You proceed to access the website: Then, select the website that contains the dirty backlinks that you need to remove and then click on the word DON'T LINK


Visit the website

Step 4: Deploy Disavow Link

After being redirected to the page: click on the Disavow link to implement the disavow link.

 how to disavow link

Disavow Link for Deployment

Step 5: Complete Disavow Link

Click “Select File” and then upload the .txt file you just created. Once uploaded, press the “Submit” button and end the process with the “Done” button.

disavow link

End the process with the “Finish” button

However, during the disavow process, there will be some errors that prevent uploading, typically some of the following errors:

Some common errors prevent File Disavow from Uploading

  • You accidentally deleted the cluster http://www. before a certain url or domain.

  • Domains containing strange symbols or characters, such as colons, numbers, or punctuation are not allowed.

Therefore, check your domain list again to find invalid domains; then, update the disavow file again.

Note: If you have ever uploaded a disavow file and then want to add more domains to remove, you just need to add those domains to the previously uploaded file. Avoid creating a new disavow file as it can automatically be added over the old file.

Example: If you previously submitted a disavow file with 50 domains and your most recent link check found another 50 domains that need disavow, my new disavow .txt file will have 100 domains listed.

After submitting to google, what you need to do is finally write a letter to google and ask google to review it

Write Reviews

write a review after disavow

Write a sincere review to Google

When you write a letter asking google to review your project, here are some notes you need to know:

  1. List out why you've put in a lot of effort in filtering links and removing them.

  2. List the links you have removed and which ones you have disavowed

  3. Show your sincere “repent” if you are the one who built them! As well as hope and gratitude when google review me


Removing bad backlinks to your website will help increase your rankings as well as if you had manual action. Then removing it will definitely improve your ranking significantly.

However, note that only use the disavow google tool when you have no other choice. Try to manually remove backlinks as much as you can!

Hopefully, you've got a better understanding of why and when you should remove links and if you've had manual action.

If in case, you still do not understand how to implement and want to audit the entire website, learn from GTV SEO's SEO training courses today!

Good luck!

Reference source:




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