Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 1, 2022

What is Entity? Entity Building latest SEO trend in 2022

 Entity has been in existence since 2013. However, this is still a new concept for the brothers in the industry in Vietnam. Not everyone can fully understand the concepts of what is entity and develop the system in the right way.

I myself encountered many difficulties when learning about Entity. I have to learn from experts, SEOer with long experience in the industry all over the world.

Register now for  the  Mastermind online SEO course . A step-by-step web SEO guide for beginners!

Trial Entity Mastermind

After that, have to continuously test on projects, case studies and many different ways. I'm finally somewhat confident in what I know about Entity.

Entity – The Future of SEO

Based on the knowledge I have accumulated over the past half a year and the testing efforts with GTV's technical team. Right now, I will give you an exact concept of what Entity is and many other useful related information on how to do Entity Building.

First, we learn about 3 basic SEO Marketing concepts that contribute to the Entity Building system. Includes: Semantic Web, Metaweb and Google Knowledge Graph.

Semantic Web

Semantic Web also known as web 3.0 – Also known as semantic website that utilizes artificial intelligence to simulate language understanding and information processing, it was created in 2006 by Tim Berners-Lee and is based on on the World Wide Web platform and the Linked Data algorithm .

For example : when you enter the keyword "Hera", Google shows you a variety of results, such as: Kieu Anh Hera, Hera company, nickname Hera, .. In general, the word "Hera" has too many meaningful. Google and the search engine in general do not understand exactly what you mean.

=> Semantic Web was born to help us solve the above problems.

Taking advantage of the elements from the Semantic Web, the Entity Building technique will help Google have a database on the SEO field . Turn your business into a real and big brand in Google, along with helping Google understand the content of your website.

Semantic Web in Entity

Semantic Web in Entity


Metaweb is a database development company based on the Semantic Web - An open database and knowledge sharing of the world. In 2010, Google acquired and merged Metaweb into its search engine, with the purpose of serving as the basis for the Google Knowledge Graph & Hummingbird Algorithm.

google metaweb, scientific awareness

Google has applied Metaweb to search engine

Google Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph or Google Knowledge Graph is simply a database that collects billions of data about keywords that users search on the Internet every day and the meaning behind those keywords.

With the knowledge map, Google can connect events, things, people, and places together. From there, the search results are precisely interconnected and closely related.

From the core foundations of the above three concepts, it can be understood that implementing Entity includes the work to build an entity for the website; Authenticate tells Google that your business is a reputable entity.

So what exactly is Entity ?

What is Entity?

Entity là một thực thể hội tụ đủ 4 yếu tố: đơn lẻ, duy nhất, có thể xác định và phân biệt được. Nó có thể là một cá nhân, sự vật, sự việc, địa điểm, tính từ, … Entity Building luôn được xem là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng quyết định thứ hạng của website trên các công cụ tìm kiếm.

What is entity?

Khái niệm Entity là gì?

Cụ thể, Entity trong SEO Onpage giúp mô tả chi tiết dữ liệu, và nó đơn giản hóa thông tin để Google dễ dàng hiểu được website của bạn. Từ đó, dễ dàng giúp bạn xây dựng thương hiệu độc nhất, uy tín trong mắt Google.

Entity trong NLP là gì?

Entity là một từ hoặc cụm từ đại diện cho một đối tượng được xác định và phân loại. Ví dụ về các đối tượng là con người, hàng tiêu dùng, sự kiện, con số, tổ chức,… Công việc của NLP là chọn và đánh giá các thực thể từ nội dung của bạn.

Because Google distinguishes Entity entities, the search engine uses the information obtained, to satisfy users and provide better search results.

Entity in NLP, Communication

Entities in Google API Demo

There are two very important additional metrics – audience and category.

Regarding the classification, there is not much to explain. Thanks to NLP, Google can assign content to a corresponding category. For example: Internet & Telecom, Mobile & Wireless, in the following example.

Categories in Google API demo, Computer DataCategories in Google API demo

What is the Entity role in search?

Entity is a method for helping Search Engines understand user intent, which is an additional source for determining the answer to a search query. Entity helps Google recognize the entities referred to in this section.

Here are the 3 important ranking factors that have been confirmed by Google:

  • Content – ​​Content

  • Links – Links.

  • Rankbrain

Why Entity is important in SEO

Entity as definition and role, this is where the important entities for SEO come in. Entity as a solution to help the Google algorithm read, understand and interpret the relationships in this entity.

For example, thanks to RankBrain, Google can accurately and quickly prioritize signals and correct the unknown. So, to make it easier for Google to better understand your website, you need to make changes in your entity. Find out in the next sections.

Ranking search results based on Entity metrics

In 2015 Google announced the ranking of search results based on Entity metrics. According to the publication, what is Entity's search ranking based on the following factors:

Relatedness: Determined based on multiple Entity Buildings on the website

Example: Obama and the President of the United States will be related

Entity Obama, Informatics

Example search with keyword "Obama"

Contribution: Contribution is determined by external signals – This can basically be a measure of an entity.

For example: A rating from an SEO expert about GTV SEO is a better measure to increase the value of Entity SEO than reviews of websites that talk about the top 10 SEO service companies.

Awards: Exact Award Metric – A measure of the various related awards an entity has received.

For example: Nobel Prize, Oscar, etc. And of course the bigger the award, the higher the value attached to the entity. When all are linked and searched, the process will be started with the user making a query for information about an entity.

Sau đó, Google thực hiện quy trình theo thứ tự này:

  • Tìm sự liên quan của các Entity khác và cho một giá trị

  • Chú ý với người dùng của các Entity là gì và cho một giá trị

  • Số liệu đóng góp của các Entity này và cho giá trị

  • Bất kỳ giải thưởng của Enity này và cho một giá trị

  • Các trọng số dựa trên loại truy vấn

Kết quả sau xác thực Entity Building, Google sẽ cung cấp thông tin trên SERP.

Ví dụ như: Tìm kiếm Obama

Entity Obama on SERP, Concepts in Metaphysics

Google sẽ cung cấp thông tin Obama trên SERP

Tôi đã áp dụng thủ thuật Entity Building trong nhiều dự án của mình. Sau đó nhận ra nó mang lại hiệu quả vô cùng lớn cho quá trình SEO. Vậy thực sự SEO Entity quan trọng thế nào? Tôi sẽ chia sẻ cho bạn ngay đây!

Cơ hội và tiềm năng lớn từ Entity Building

Hiệu quả của Entity Building

Nếu là một SEOer bạn sẽ biết được những lợi ích to lớn là những người đi đầu áp dụng những chiến thuật mới, độc lạ. Và đối với Entity cũng thế, bạn sẽ có được sự nổi bật vì đây là kỹ thuật

  • Ít người biết đến dù đã được công bố cách đây 5 năm

  • Sức mạnh thúc đẩy từ khóa tổng thể trên toàn bộ website nhất là với URL được triển khai Entity Building.

  • Tổng thời gian triển khai Entity thì ít mà hiệu quả lại nhanh chóng (15 – 45 ngày) so với phương pháp đi link thông thường.

  • Tạo lập sự tin tưởng đối với Google trên toàn domain. Để tránh các hình phạt từ Google và trường hợp website bị đối thủ chơi xấu (bắn link bẩn).

  • Giúp website có thể khôi phục nhanh trong trường hợp bị Manual Review. Entity là gì – Chính là một trong những bí mật giúp GTV có thể khôi phục được website. Bên cạnh đó là vị trí thứ hạng sau khi nhận án phạt “toàn phần” từ Google.

Một số kết quả đạt được từ Entity Building

Như đã giới thiệu, bất kì thông tin nào chúng tôi cung cấp đến bạn đều đã qua thực nghiệm bằng nhiều cách khác nhau. Bởi lẽ hơn ai hết chúng tôi mong muốn bạn có cái nhìn chính xác nhất về Entity là gì, cũng như tăng độ tin tưởng nơi khách hàng dành cho GTV.

Minh chứng rõ ràng là hàng loạt kết quả khả quan chúng tôi đã đạt được từ Entity nên nhiều dự án dịch vụ GTV Entity theo thứ tự các hạng mục sau:

Đối với website GTV SEO

Đầu tiên là tình hình về website chính của GTV SEO.

Chuyện là cuối tháng 1/2018 website GTV SEO không may nhận hình phạt tác vụ thủ công toàn phần từ Google. Hậu quả kéo theo là toàn bộ traffic giảm sút đến tận đáy khiến anh em kĩ thuật ngày đêm lo lắng, ăn ngủ cùng Google.

Cũng trong thời gian đó GTV SEO áp dụng một số kĩ thuật Entity Building với hy vọng gỡ bỏ hình phạt nhanh chóng, hiệu quả hơn. Quả đúng như mong đợi: Trong vòng 1 tháng, webbsite đã có sự trở lại vượt bật traffic tăng vọt đáng kể, thậm chí còn cao hơn thời điểm trước khi bị phạt.

Entity Building ở đây đóng vai trò như 1 tấm khiên bảo vệ mạnh mẽ website, nhằm tạo sự uy tín to lớn trong mắt Google.

GTV turns the tide thanks to Entity, Cyberspace

Website GTV trở lại vị trí dẫn đầu sau 1 tháng triển khai Entity

Đối với website trong lĩnh vực máy tính laptop

Tôi nhận đẩy SEO website này vào khoảng thời gian tháng 3/2017, sau đó không lâu cũng đã tiến hành nghiệm thu thành quả. Sau đó, chúng tôi áp dụng kĩ thuật Entity Building vào dự án này và kết quả là traffic vẫn tiếp tục tăng trưởng đều đặn đến tận bây giờ.

Hiện tại, lượng traffic đã tăng gấp 3 lần so với cam kết KPI ban đầu, thứ hạng các từ khoá chính trụ vững top 1 Google, đồng thời hàng loạt các từ khóa phụ cũng lên top cùng lúc.

Rõ ràng, khi tìm hiểu về gốc rễ Entity là gì cũng như cách thức làm, thì việc bạn nhận thấy tiềm năng lớn vô cùng từ Entity SEO là điều không quá ngạc nhiên.

Data management, Entity has great potential

Entity mang tiềm năng lớn vô cùng

Một điều tôi muốn bạn lưu ý: Hãy kết hợp Kỹ thuật Entity SEO với Quá trình Phân tích đối thủ website nhằm thúc đẩy hiệu quả nhanh chóng cho chiến lược SEO.

Traffic acquisition

Đối với website bị kẹt

Khoảng giữa tháng 2, trong số các dự án nhận SEO, chúng tôi bị kẹt lại với 1 dự án thuộc thị trường mẹ và bé.

Khi ấy, từ khóa của website trung bình ở vị trí 14.41, sau đó, từ ngày 20.2, chúng tôi áp dụng Entity SEO vào dự án. Chỉ sau nửa tháng triển khai (ngày 11/3), trung bình thứ hạng đã lên được 5.97. Con số cứ tiếp tục đi lên đến hiện tại và có thể chạm mức ở chỉ số 4.0.

efficiency of entity, Data Model

Triển khai entity một trang web bị kẹt và kết quả

Đây là một trong những lĩnh vực cạnh tranh nhất Việt Nam. Chỉ với 1 click mất khoảng từ 200 ngàn đến 300 ngàn đồng khi chạy quảng cáo Adwords.

Lượng search đạt được khá cao, cụ thể là với các từ khóa chính chúng tôi nhận SEO. Kết quả đạt được từ 18 ngàn đến 20 ngàn lượng search mỗi tháng và hầu như tất cả đều top 1.

Database, entity building benefits

Thứ hạng từ khóa đạt top 1 sau khi triển khai Entity Building

Entity Building là một phương pháp SEO đầy tiềm năng mà chúng tôi đã thực nghiệm trên chính website của mình cũng như dự án khách hàng.

Read more: General knowledge of Entity Building 2022

seo entity

>> Lesson 2: 10 Ways to optimize SEO Entity 2022secret schema

>> Lesson 3: Schema secrets in SEO 

Entity Building creation process

During the testing process, we have completed the basic Entity Building system consisting of 7 steps.

Google search, entity seo

Entity Building creation process

Note: The process of researching Entity SEO is still focused on continuous development by me and my team. It is expected that by the end of this year, GTV will launch 2 more techniques. At first, you can understand how to build Entity including:

+ Using Social Property Linking systems : Using reputable social networking sites in the world to build the company's brand. Or the product I want to SEO and link those social networks together to validate my credibility with Google is a real business.

+ Using Google Interlink systems : Connect Google resources and Web 2.0 sites into a unified unified model that helps authenticate Entity. Besides, it supports Google Bot to easily recognize brand names on the Internet.

+ Using Google Maps services : To optimize and improve Google Maps rankings according to GTV's Entity Building standards.

+ Use Content Writing (Semantic & Thematic) techniques : Create engaging content in accordance with the client's brand development strategy. Accompanied by the optimization of the article content according to GTV's own standards.

+ Social Entity Review : Use product reviews on products and services that have been optimized for SEO. Thereby ensuring increased trust for your brand in the eyes of Google and users.

+ Social Guide : Using reputable review tools to validate the brand geographically to increase trust and at the same time improve keyword rankings quickly.

+ GTV Doping: Other breakthrough optimization techniques. Thanks to that, the GTV website got rid of the "full" penalty in the recent sweep.

>>> Learn more: How SEO Google Map dominates a series of keywords 2022

How to create Semantic Content in Entity, optimize Hummingbird & Rank Brain algorithms

Entity has been introduced to the Vietnamese SEO community by GTV through two big events: Entity Building 1.0: Awakening the Dominion Potential in Ho Chi Minh and Entity Building 2.0: Let Your Website Talks in Hanoi with 794+ participants attend. The SEOer community was really impressed with what we shared.

Watch the video of Entity Building 2.0 here

Specifically, in the recent Offline Entity version 2.0. I introduced and showed you how to create Semantic Content in Entity, which helps you optimize the Hummingbird & Rank Brain algorithm.

So, what is Semantic Content? What is the purpose and how to optimize?

Semantic Content Concept

Semantic Content has long been a topic of interest to many SEO professionals around the world. In particular, Semantic Keyword is extremely necessary for the Onpage SEO process . More specifically, if you have Semantic Keyword in the article, then Google will better understand that article. In other words, Semantic Keyword increases Google's trust in the article.

Purpose of Semantic Content

The purpose of using Semantic Content includes the following main purposes:

  • Optimized for Hummingbird and RankBrain algorithms. Along with Content & Links . RankBrain is one of the 3 most important factors in search results ranking.

  • Building a thematic relationship for the website, helping Google quickly recognize the topic of the website..

  • Currently no or very few websites are currently implemented, especially in Vietnam, which is even rarer. Therefore, when implementing Semantic Content website, you become outstanding in the eyes of Google, you are confident to let your website speak to attract Google bugs quickly!

What are entities, Info

Purpose of Semantic Content in Entity

Introduction to Hummingbird Algorithm and Rank Brain

Hummingbird Algorithm

entity, Retrieve informationHummingBird helps Google better understand the words users search for

Launched in 2013 to help Google better understand the meaning behind the words that users search online. From 2013-2015, Google has not promoted this algorithm, until 2016, RankBrain was born with the role of supporting Hummingbird. Thereby strongly influencing the ranking of search results and promoting each other's effectiveness.

Rank Brain Algorithm

Information science, entitiyRankBrain AI system helps analyze results to the top of Google

Rank Brain is the name of an AI system that helps analyze results to the top of Google. (use a lot of content analysis to better understand the meaning and value of the article).

RankBrain was born to help analyze results to the top of Google with the following tasks:

  • Understand the meaning of user queries

  • Measuring user satisfaction with search results

I take the example from Brian Dean's blog post " How to get high in ranking Google ". To help you better understand how Rank Brain works.

The article "How to get high in Google ranking" initially went to the top when users searched for the keyword "How to get high" (how to create excitement). But after a few weeks, it disappeared from the top 100 because at first Google guessed that “How to get high in ranking Google” had the same meaning as “How to get high”.

But then 1, 2 weeks of measuring user behavior when returning the above results. At that time, it began to connect information and data inside and outside the website, thereby understanding the content better. Rank Brain understood that the two phrases had two different meanings, so they let "How to get high in ranking Google" fly out of the top 100.

How to optimize RankBrain algorithm?

The most common way to optimize Semantic Content is to start optimizing by Topic instead of a specific keyword for Content. That is, you must create Semantic Content, including many Semantic Keywords.

Example: I give an example when you want to SEO your main keyword is “diet plan”

Besides optimizing so that you can insert the title keyword or the URL containing the main keyword into the Heading tag also in your article, what else will you do?

What is entity, Information technology management

Example illustrating Semantic keywords of the main keyword “diet plan”

When Google analyzes the entire content of your website, it picks up every word inside your article. Then connect those words together to create the content of the article you are writing.

If your article is only optimized by inserting the keyword "diet plan", it will not be as effective as the article includes the words "vegetarian", "weight loss", "exercise plan", “diet recipe”,… Thanks to that, Google will connect these words together to determine what field you are talking about?

Just like that, the article is no longer a keyword stuffing, but an optimization according to Semantic Keyword (semantic keywords).

Preparation steps to create Semantic Content

Note: We do not teach you how to write great content, but we will share with you effective content optimization techniques.

Here I choose for example the main SEO keyword "beat headphones".

  • Preparation tools: Ahrefs and

Reference: For those who have never known Ahrefs, you can refer to the article for more details.

Ahrefs . Tool

First, we will use the Ahrefs tool.

Step 1 : Prepare an Excel table with 2 columns: Keyword SEO (beat headphones, genuine beat headphones, ...), Semantic Keyword so that we are about to find them and fill them in.

Knowledge, Language

Use Ahrefs to prepare SEO keywords

Step 2 : Search Google by keyword: Beats headphones -> select the top websites to analyze Ahrefs.

Learning, Machine Learning

Find keywords from the top pages of Google

Step 3 : Put in Ahrefs -> select Organic Keywords -> Check the keywords GG has given to the top.

Machines, Patents

Analyze top pages to see Organic Keyword

TextRazor tool

This is a Semantic Keyword filter tool by getting access to Google's data via API. It goes directly to Google content and outputs all the Data Semantic data. TextRazor knows very well which word is considered a Semantic Keyword by Google, the great thing about this tool is that it's FREE (Yeah!).

Step 1: Register an account in Textrazor

Relevancy, Search Engine Optimization

Register an account to use TextRazor

Step 2: Search the main Keyword + English wiki on because textrazor can only analyze English and Google gets data from the wiki.

Search engine results page, System ScienceRemember to include the English wiki because TextRazor can only parse English

+ Example: Search for the keyword “beat headphone” and select the wiki article in the top. Then put it inside Textrazor, this tool will analyze the entire wiki article you just copied and underline the keywords that it thinks are connected to create the main data "beat headphones". ”

Web search engine, WikipediaTextRazor data released after analysis

+ Note: The right column of Categories & Topics, the topic index is from 0-1, the more number 1, the more Google understands about this topic.

How to optimize Entity on the website – OnSite

To increase the value and ranking of the website, it certainly contains many factors, countless entities. There are simple requirements that can strengthen the link relationships in your website you can do as follows:

Build Content by Topic Cluster (Semantic & Topic Authority) : Create content that meets user intent, attracts attention, and proves that topic authority is your own in the eyes of Google and users.

Create content not only about products/services but also deeper issues about your website. Consolidating content that links to related topics will help you get good coverage in the rankings. The secondary benefit is increasing your Authority.

Build inbound and outbound links : Build links to your brand and website through related pages, these good links will work because it's easy for Google to understand your entity.

Add Schema to your website : Schema is an easy way to add information to your website, help the web link to your topics such as brands, services, products, etc. and bring many other benefits.

Keep Google My Business up to date: You should update your Google My Business date if you haven't already done so. Because this is a special place for Google, where there is a lot of information about your website, your company, and other topics and information. Use this section to add additional information to the Knowledge Panel for better searcher engagement and many other benefits. Update popular Social: Stay up to date with your useful information, share on your popular social media.

How to optimize Entity off website – OffSite

To build Entity Offside you need to do the following steps:

#1: Create business profile accounts on popular Social Profiles: Build a reputable brand by creating accounts on reputable social networking sites. Build links these social networks to your website, on the site you can use Schema to list Entity on popular social.

#2: Use Google platforms: Connect website to Google resources such as Google site, Blogger, Google Map, Google News, Google My Business to build a unified relationship to help authenticate Entity.

#3: Create Google My Business: To optimize display on Google Search and Google Maps, you should improve and optimize Google My Business.

#4: Social Review: Increase trust for your brand in the eyes of Google and users by using Brand, Product Review about your brand, products and services. Note this must be reviewed by others, you cannot do it yourself.

Some suggestions for effective Entity implementation

Building a brand in parallel with building a website

Let's build your brand on digital platforms, using domain name, social platform, focus topic, business address, logo, Adword account, etc. Your brand must stand out, clear on websites and other platforms.

Create in-depth content

Google has a very good and strict content evaluation algorithm, so pure content is less appreciated. Businesses need to invest more in content, need to be creative, new, attractive and bring useful value to users.

Content should go straight to the point, not rambling, off-topic, long-winded, because then Google can't catch the content and readers will hate it. So avoid writing such articles and articles of poor quality, with mixed content.

Optimizing according to the search journey

It's time for SEOers to study future user search trends to build a good website. Direct users to the website's quality content.

Change standard SEO content based on SERP

SERP is a useful source for you to get ideas for building the most searched content, this is an effective way to reproduce quality content for your website. SEOers will research and create optimal content through these metrics. Research topics are the issues that users will search for and rotate keywords to optimize Entity more.

Using Google Natural Language API

This is a tool to support research and search for Entity in content, you can check how Entity is evaluated by Google to better adjust the content.

Build content structure

Content must be complete, concise, clear, in-depth analysis, right focus and pay attention to the following factors:

  • Use headings and tables to increase visibility.

  • Diverse content understanding.

  • User-friendly, easy-to-understand content.

  • Useful, sourced, trustworthy content.

  • Satisfied search intent

Users will only click on your website if your article is what they are looking for. Therefore, build correct and useful content by providing purchase information, product reviews, etc.

Check out the top 5 search results

Competitors are also a reputable source to refer to, see how they do, what are the search trends on that website. This helps you to build an SEO strategy and implement SEO. This additional information will help optimize your website content.

Increase CTR

CTR is the click-through rate, which represents the percentage of users who clicked on the link out of the total number of times this link was displayed. CTR rate numbers help you to know how to improve your content and increase its rankings when searched.

Using Schema

Schema helps Google understand websites more easily by adding code snippets to the website's HTML. Schema is also used to declare the address, industry and links on other social channels, etc. of the business.


In this article, I believe I have brought you the necessary knowledge about Entity including: Concepts, efficiency as well as the core foundations of Entity Building. Besides, how to implement Entity through Semantic Content, Humming Bird algorithm and Rank Brain algorithm. Along with tools Ahrefs and Textrazor are also presented in detail.

In addition, I also share about the case study PBN seedsite Stream hub that you can watch and research to understand more about seedsite.

Hopefully, after reading the article, you will understand better what Entity is to deploy the technique correctly on the website yourself. Remember that not everyone knows about Entity and more than 90% of websites in the world do not implement this technique correctly. So, if the remaining 10% understand and implement it properly, don't you already hold a huge advantage?

This content was also adapted by me into a video shot at the last Offline Entity 2.0 session in Hanoi. Please take a look at it too.

Good luck!


  1. “What Are Entities & Why They Matter for SEO” – Search Engine Journal

  2. “Understanding Entities For SEO – Optimizing Content To Rank” – SEO Professor

  3. “Content optimization using entities: An actionable guide” – Search Engine Watch

Continue reading:

  • What are the 4Ps in the marketing mix? Detailed case study at McDonald's

  • What is Google Trends ? How to SEO effectively with google trends

  • What is Local SEO ? Dominate keyword rankings with Local SEO

  • White hat SEO : Choosing how to play by the rules to win

  • Web Traffic – 7 breakthrough methods with website Traffic

  • How will SEO and PPC work at the same time?

  • 5 important tips to optimize images on Google 2022

  • What is EAT? Importance for SEO

  • What is DMCA? Quick guide in 5 steps to register DMCA for Website

  • What is Semantic Search? 7 ways to optimize content according to Semantic Search

#gtvseo #gtv_seo #entity_la_gi

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Địa chỉ: Số 91, Đường số 6, Khu dân cư Cityland Park Hills, Phường 10, Quận Gò Vấp, TP. HCM

SĐT: 0919-009-319


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