Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 12, 2021

What is standard SEO article? How to write standard SEO articles (2021)

When working as a Marketing or Copywriter, you often hear the phrase "SEO standard articles" or are always reminded that Content SEO is a very important part of determining SEO success. In other words, without content, a website cannot rank in search engines. Therefore, what you need is to WRITE and build quality content STRUCTURE!


  • What is standard SEO article?
  • How to write standard SEO like?
  • What is the structure of a standard SEO article?
  • What is the standard for a Content SEO?

The questions above, are always repeated in your thoughts, much more… You need the correct answers and the most complete instructions.

That's what you're looking for, then this is the guide for you!

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write content that users AND search engines love. (Includes lots of advanced strategies that I haven't shared anywhere before.)

Let's dive into the issue with me!

Chapter 1

Information to understand when writing standard SEO articles

As I shared above, if you want to build a successful online business and survive in the ever-changing world of SEO, your job is to create interesting, compelling, and optimized useful content. for both users and search engines.

What does SEO mean?

Before going into the details of what is standard SEO content definition, you need to understand the concept of SEO .

SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing Website to compete for keyword rankings on search engine results pages, thereby increasing Website Traffic and Traffic quality.

To do so, we need a basic foundation, especially content SEO. Unlike normal content, standard SEO content requires in articles that are not only directed to readers but also must meet SEO criteria to be search engine friendly (especially Google) and easier to get to the top.

In general, SEO standards are a factor that should be a top priority if you want to increase the reach of your target customers.

In other words:

Writing standard SEO articles is writing content that Google can understand. At the same time, that content needs to meet the needs of the user.

So if you ONLY write content for Google, your content may sound super “robotic”.

write standard seo content
A super "robot" content because of abusing the keyword "Aqua core".

Conversely, if you write content ONLY for users, your page may not contain important keywords to please search engines.

seo standard
Content is for users ONLY, not optimized for search engines.

But if you want to have an SEO standard article, you need to meet both of the above factors.

write standard articles for seo
Examples of standard SEO articles for both users and search engines.

In order to satisfy the search engine and your potential customers, you must create SEO-friendly articles of high value to users, not just SEO optimization for it.

And in the next part, I will show you how to structure & write standard SEO articles.

Chapter 2

Standard SEO article structure helps to increase UX index

Currently, Google evaluates content quality using user experience metrics such as: Bounce Rate, Time On Site, etc. At the same time, SEO experts also agree that content has a positive UX signal. poles will help with better ratings.

Therefore, when owning SEO standard content, I am sure that your website will get a lot of search engine ranking signals, such as:

  • Get more quality backlinks
  • Possessing a low Bounce Rate
  • High Dwell Time
  • Above average CTR
  • Get lots of social shares
  • Comments/community

And in this chapter, Chapter 2, you'll learn how to structure quality SEO Content that can help you optimize your content for UX Signals.

Standard SEO article structure sample

In my experience, the STRUCTURE of the content is just as important as the text itself because of the fact that users are more likely to surf than to read.

The truth proves that only 30% of users see the full content of your article. So if you organize the information in a coherent, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand manner, they will quickly identify the topic of the article and the information they are looking for.

The standard SEO article structure usually focuses on the first text, the Heading, the first sentence of each paragraph. Because readers don't have enough patience to wait for "the good part lies behind". It's best to put "dismissal" content or important information at the top of the article to ensure customers can read them before leaving.

Standard SEO article structure sample:

Standard seo article structure
Typical SEO standard article structure template

By giving them important information sooner, your users can get the information they need.

And if they drop out, they already have the information they need to share. So they tend to convert into customers sooner.

In addition, going to Outline before writing any content is also an extremely effective way. This helps to control the content of the article better, avoiding rambling, off-topic. Setting up an Outline similar to the above standard SEO article template also makes it easier for you to optimize your article later.

Bonus: If you want to learn and get more detailed instructions on content optimization, you can sign up for courses at Udemy.

seo standard content
Illustration of Udemy's Photoshop CC 2020 MasterClass course

Udemy, a platform with thousands of online courses to help you create engaging content. To use Udemy, follow these steps:

First, go to Udemy and enter a keyword.

For example, let's say you're writing a blog post about photography. You will search for “photography”

write seo articles
Illustration of Udemy .'s Photography Course

Udemy will recommend you all the most popular photography courses:

Next, choose a course with multiple assessments.-

seo standard article
Illustration of courses with many reviews on Udemy

After you choose a course, see how many people have signed up. If that course is registered by many people it also means that it is a good and quality course.

Next, scroll down to the “Programme” section. Here again you will be sure that the content in the course will match the knowledge needed and relevant to you.

a standard seo article
Illustration of the curriculum part

Add “Bucket Brigades” to the content

When someone visits your website from a search engine, two things can happen:

  1. They left immediately.
  2. They looked around and continued reading.

And if people pay more attention to your page, Google will think:

“This is a great site. Let's rank it up."

But when people leave your website as fast as the wind? Google will not appreciate the website, and your TOP ranking rate will drop significantly and possibly very low.

time on site
An illustration of the average onsite time of users on the website

The question arises right now: How do you keep people on your website?

The answer for you is: Bucket Brigades .

You can see that I tend to use short sentences that end in colons, like this:

bucket brigades
Illustration Bucket Brigades

It's Bucket Bridges. So what exactly is Bucket Brigades?

Bucket Brigades is an old fashioned copywriting tactic designed to keep people reading sales letters.

I used Bucket Brigades for SEO content. And they REALLY work well.

For example, here's the page time for a post with multiple Bucket Brigades.

seo articles with bucket brigades
Page time illustration for a post with multiple Bucket Brigades

You can create Bucket Brigade your way or you can use the following classic Bucket Brigade:

  • Consists of:
  • The current:
  • What is the bottom line?
  • You may be wondering:
  • Specifically:
  • Want to know the best method?
  • As follows:
Chapter 3

Instructions on how to write standard SEO articles in detail

There's no SECRETS here, for me "adding keywords to content" is still SEO best practice. However, SEO today is more than simply using the target keyword phrase a few times on each page. Nowadays, to rank for competitive keywords, you need to use advanced SEO content writing strategies.

That is exactly what I will cover in this chapter. Let's dive into the important content!

how to write standard seo articles
Infographic with step-by-step instructions for writing standard SEO articles

Step 1: Keyword Research

The first step in the guide to writing standard SEO articles is SEO keyword research .

  • Do not target short keywords for SEO. Currently, most users often search for specific keywords about their needs on the Internet. (For example: a reputable place to sell Iphone, what to prepare for a motorbike trip, ...)
chart showing search demand - how to write standard seo content
The graph shows the search needs of users on the Internet


  • Research specifically the search needs of users to provide what they need.
  • Long-tail keywords are less competitive, easier to SEO Web than short keywords.

Specifically, I also have an article, Optimizing Content : 6 Steps to Rank Top Hundreds of Keywords With Only 1 Post" , you can refer to.

Before writing standard SEO articles, you need to do keyword research using Ahrefs and Google Search Box tools.

Ahrefs Guide Kit from AZ: Competitor Analysis and Choosing the Most Competitive Keywords. Download now!

Expanded List Post CTA

#1: Use the Ahrefs . tool

Use Ahrefs to research related keywords as well as subtopics (Subtopics) that need to be mentioned in the article to "satisfy" users.

Simply with 3 small steps you can do it:

Step 1: Type keywords about the field you want to rank on Google (eg: “What is a backlink”)

Step 2: Copy the URL of the first 3 positions and put it in Ahrefs

keyword research with ahrefs
Copy the URL and put it in Ahrefs . tool

Step 3: Click “Organic Keywords” to see the keywords of each of these URLs

At this time, Ahrefs will display the keywords of each article currently ranked TOP on Google.

The related keywords you need to find are the top ranking keywords that Ahrefs just displayed.

organic keyword list from ahrefs
List of sub-keywords to prepare before writing standard SEO articles

When you SEO an article and have a certain authority (usually to the TOP 10 & get Traffic), Google begins to compare the content of your article with their data to see if your content is still relevant. with any other keywords in the data.

From there, Google will rank you for these keywords.

Massive keyword research in just 5 minutes will be revealed in the SEO Fundamental Course . Course details at:

Google Suggestion is Google's keyword suggestion every time you search. Type a keyword on Google > Scroll to the bottom of the page > Select the relevant keyword you want.

Example: Type the keyword you want to target "how to write standard SEO articles". Then you scroll down to the bottom of the page displaying Google search results. Those are the keywords Google suggests for you.

google search suggestions
Click on these Keywords > Scroll to the bottom of the page > Find other related keywords.
google suggest keywords
Google continues to suggest related keywords

Step 2: Build a standard SEO article layout

In general, standard SEO article titles are usually under 70 characters, containing the main keyword. The keyword should be to the left of the title.

Highlighting keywords in the title will help readers easily visualize the topic of the article as well as help Google crawl and identify data faster.

You should also pay attention to the keyword length because if it is too short, it will not be attractive and descriptive enough, but if it is too long, it will not be able to fully display on the search results.

Exactly how much article title length is still controversial. Because Google actually calculates according to the maximum width of 600 Pixels. So it's safest to put the title between 60-65 characters.

In addition, to attract users to click right from the title, you need:

attract clicks from the title
Illustration of how to attract users Click right from the title

Tip hay # 1:

How to check if the title overlaps with the competition: Type “Allintitle:title name” > Click Enter

For example, you want to check if the title "Details of 7 simple steps to write attractive SEO articles in 2021" has been ordered by anyone, search Google:

Allintitle: Details 7 simple steps to write attractive SEO articles in 2021

If the results appear as shown below, then this title is Unique.

check title duplication with allintitle
The formula checks if the header is set or not.

Tip hay # 2:

Write a catchy headline by inserting some positive or negative emotional words in the title.

For example, I have an article about SEO tips , the initial title will be “75 effective SEO tips in 2021”.

This title is fine. But now look at how I add more emotional words.

  • 75 amazingly effective SEO tips in 2021
  • Tips: 75 excellent effective SEO tips in 2021
  • Amazing: 75 breakthrough SEO tips in 2021

Just add a little “spice” – Emotional words can also make your article title more attractive, unique, and interesting.


After the title, the opening is an important part of deciding whether the user will stay to continue reading the article or not.

So right from the first paragraph (usually under 155 words), you need to show the main content of the article and go straight to the user's concern, as well as promise to offer a solution to solve the current problem of the user. surname.

Do not forget to insert the main keyword in the first 100 words in the most natural way and the secondary keywords and related keywords 1-2 times to be able to write more SEO standard content.

A simple but extremely attractive way to open an essay is to open with a question and let the body of the essay answer that question.

Also you can give a reason why the article is important, worth the time to read and properly address the user's problem.


As mentioned, the body of the post should be the answer to the user's query. And must show that what you share is really useful to them.

The body layout should be clear, divided into many small paragraphs that are the content around the subject of the article, each idea has a Heading containing the main keyword or related keywords. As follows:

  • Heading idea 1… (Heading 2 number 1 = main keyword)
  • Heading 2… (Heading 2 number 2 = secondary keyword)
  • Heading 3… (Heading 2 number 3 = related keywords)
  • Some other notes for the body of the article:

The article provides complete, accurate, in-depth information but not rambling, off-topic.

Alternate regular written content such as images, videos, infographics, CTAs, etc. to make your content more attractive, especially food, furniture, and clothing pages.

Break each paragraph into 2-3 sentences to make it easier for readers to follow and not find it too long and boring.

Distribute keywords evenly and naturally throughout the article with a density of 1-3%. For example, a 500 word article should contain 5 keywords, scattered in the introduction, H1, H2, body text and conclusion.

Insert the Internal Link in the right context with the right Anchor Text.


The standard SEO article conclusion usually has the role of summarizing the content and emphasizing the importance of the article, with a length of 80 - 150 words.

This is also a good opportunity for you to reiterate your brand to call customers to action. Don't forget to insert keywords one last time and cite the source if applicable.

Step 3: 5 Steps to optimize SEO articles

URL/Slug Optimization

The slug is part of the URL and must be unique throughout your Website. To optimize SEO, Slug should be placed clearly for both Google and readers.

  • The URL should contain the main keyword (with the highest search volume)
  • The shorter the better (but keep it true, easy to read, easy to remember)
  • Apply 301 Redirect the old URL to the new URL if you want to change the URL.

Optimal H1

  • The title and H1 of the article should not overlap.
  • H1 contains up to 70 characters.
  • H1 should contain the Keyword with the 2nd highest Search volume
  • Like the title, the keyword should be at the beginning of the H1 line. For example: “What is an SEO standard article? Instructions on how to write standard SEO articles (2021).
  • Similar to the title, H1 should use the number (preferably odd numbers) and the adjective "strong".
  • Each article should have a unique H1.
For example, heading 1 is seo standard
Example of Heading 1 . optimization

Optimizing Subheading (H2, H3, H4 ...)

  • When writing SEO articles, you should use Subheading to clarify the meaning and layout of the article.
  • H2 tags support clarification (Support) for H1, H3 Support for H2, H4 Support for H3 ...
  • Subheadings should be bold and LSI keywords should be inserted into the Subheadings.
  • A small Subheading does not contain more than 300 words.
  • If H2 is used, there must be 2 or more H2, similar to H3, H4 to ensure logic.

Optimize Meta Description

  • Words in the Meta Description tag need to be short and concise, containing the main content, attracting users to Click on the article.
  • Meta Description tag up to 120 characters to fit the Desktop interface and optimize on both mobile devices.
  • Evoke emotions and provide solutions to solve the "pain" the user is experiencing.
  • Absolutely do not stuff keywords into the Meta Description section.

For details on how to optimize the Meta Description tag, please refer to here !

Image optimization

Images are the current search trend of users, both in the future and are favored by Google. Effective image optimization will bring a significant amount of Traffic to your Website.

  • Should choose the image extension as .jpg and use Unsigned Keyword to name the image when uploading to the Website.
  • Size:
    • Featured Image: 1200 x 628 pixels
    • Image inserted in the article: 600 x 400 Pixels (the length of the image can be small or larger than 400 Pixels)
  • Center and caption all images inserted into the post.
  • Each post needs to have at least 1 unique image (own image / self-designed) branded for this article.
  • Absolutely do not take pictures of opponents.
  • The number of images inserted into the article depends on the number of words. About 250 words should have 1 illustration.
  • The sharper the image quality, the better.

Step 4: Instructions to insert Keyword

To be able to optimize keywords for Content, SEO standard article checking tools are an indispensable help.

  • Based on the initial list of keywords that need to be optimized for the article, allocate Keyword for the entire article in the most natural way.
  • The frequency of the main keyword that needs SEO should appear the most (insert about 5-6 times) compared to the rest of the keywords.
  • It is best to black out the entire Keyword.
  • A keyword density of 1-3% is the best for an article.
  • How to check: You can use SEOquake or Yoast SEO as a standard SEO article writing tool.

Use SEOQuake plugin to check the keyword density (Keyword Density) of the article. If the main SEO keyword is at the top of the list, that's fine.

Click on the article to be optimized > Select SEOQuake icon in the search bar > Click “Density” > View Results

how to write standard seo articles
Check Keyword Density with SEOquake

As for Yoast SEO, check the “Analysis Results” section. Here, see the “Keyphrase Density” section to adjust the keyword density of the article accordingly.

write standard articles for seo
Check “Keyphrase Density” with Yoast SEO tool

To understand how to write standard SEO articles, it is impossible not to learn about Internal Link and External Link.

Internal Link is an internal link that points from one page to another within the same Website. Meanwhile, External Link is a link pointing from your Website to outside another Website on the Internet. Both Internal and External Links play an important role in how to write effective SEO articles:

  • Links to articles with the same topic in the Topic Cluster need to be introduced to users.
  • Using Anchor Text keywords containing specific content of the article will Links to.
  • Use as many Internal Links as possible (minimum 3 Internal Links) in one post. And use at least 1 External Link (to related articles) in the article.

Step 6: Upload the article

This is considered the final step in the process of writing standard SEO articles.

  • Read the article again, check for all errors.
  • Select “Preview” mode to preview the displayed article. Then, post the article directly on the Website.
  • Combine sharing articles on multiple channels: Facebook, Google My Business, Email and Submit on Google Search Console for Google Bot to quickly index your articles.
    • Facebook:
      The content of the article posted: Must be concise, specifying 4 elements: Who (who is the audience reading the article), What (what the article is about), Why (why it is necessary to read this article) . In particular, you should insert the article link under the Post.
      Images: Prefer Unique (your own unique) images, 1:1 standard size (preferably 504 x 504 pixels)
    • Google My Business: Use the content of the Facebook Post to post, combine and insert Links to your other social networking sites.
    • Email Marketing: Is a suggested way for users who have visited the GTV SEO Website to read more new articles. The standard for these emails is very simple.
    • Google Search Console: Copy the URL you just posted > Paste in the URL inspector > Select indexing request/Index
submit url - write standard seo content
Submit each URL to Google Search Console
  • Regularly check the user's interaction with the article through Time On Site, Bounce Rate, CTR, ... (used in conjunction with SEO tools such as Google Analytics , Google Search Console, ...)
  • Based on the index, adjust the Content to match the Intent (search intent) of the user.

It is done!

Step 7: Guide to optimizing Bounce Rate and User Interaction

Most SEOs think it's hard to get people to see their content. However… the real difficulty lies in getting people to read the content. The 3 tips below will help reduce the Bounce Rate of your website that you should not ignore:

#1: Start with questions


  • Many questions can be asked. Because human psychology tends to always want to find the answer to the problem.
  • The question attracts the reader's interest and unintentionally directs the reader to scroll down to continue reading.

Note: The part I've highlighted is the standard template so you can match up with many other ideas.

  • What if I told you that off-page SEO isn't as hard as you think?
  • Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
  • How many times have you tried to do Offpage SEO but only 2 months later discovered you had overoptimized?
  • Have you ever wished that you could optimize Offpage SEO without looking for Backlinks?
  • Do you see your Website's ranking improve when you do Offpage SEO?

Try to create a strong emotion that leaves the reader hungry to know the rest of the article.

#2: APP Method

This is the method introduced and used by Brian Dean in Copywriting.

The method is very simple:

  • Accept: Recognize the reader's problem and agree to it
  • Promise: Promise their problem will be fixed
  • Visualize (Preview): Let them know, imagine what you will bring to them through the article.
Standard seo app method
Apply the APP method to standard SEO articles

As you can see in the picture, “APP” stands for: Agree, Promise and Preview.

Let's break down each element:

First, Agree (Accept). This is an idea or concept that Google searchers will agree with you, which shows them that you understand their problem.

Here is an example:

seo standard article example
Example of SEO Standard Content – ​​“Agree” in the APP formula

Most people will search for the target keyword (“image SEO”) and they will get tons of related suggestions. However, only a few posts they will choose to stay the longest. Simply because our readers are only interested in what they need.

So by emphasizing that “image matters,” it shows that I understand and can provide the method they are looking for.

Now that I've made them nod in agreement, it's time for you to Promise.

Promise is where you give them a glimpse of a better world.

Sample seo standard article
Illustration of the "Promise" section.

Finally, hit exactly what the reader needs with Preview - Visualize. This is where you let your readers know exactly what you are going to offer them.

how to write seo articles
Illustration of the “Preview – Visualization” section.

#3: Enhancing User Experience

UX/UI (User Experience / User Interface) are two factors that are becoming the trend of SEO as well as when designing Websites.

Simply put, you should pay attention to whether the layout, colors, fonts are harmonious and suitable for the target customers, white spaces, line breaks, Bullet, Headline, information layout, products ... all Both contribute to helping users have the best experience when operating on the website.

In addition, increasing page load speed is also an effective way to reduce high Bounce Rate because as mentioned, users do not have time and patience.

Shorter, more intuitive, fully synthesizing the above information with only 3 quick steps. Click to see now!

Chapter 4

4 Criteria that must be included in standard SEO articles

In this chapter, I will reveal the 4 criteria that must be included in a successful Content SEO strategy: Understanding the product/service; Voiceover; Information; Ensure SEO criteria.

These criteria have helped my website attract more and more visitors to the website as well as one of the important factors to increase the customer conversion rate CR.

And today I will show you how it is done.

1. Understanding Products/Services

I have read quite a few articles that are really rambling when looking for information about a certain product/service.

"Why isn't there any information I need?" – That is the question I always ask when I encounter this case. It's frustrating not being able to find the information you need forever, isn't it?

Therefore, before you start implementing content or hire a writing team. Make sure you or the writer fully understand the product/service. As a result, the transmission of information will be more appropriate to the target audience.

You can understand it simply like this: A business laptop with a beautiful design, you only focus on describing in too much detail about its performance, handling heavy tasks, but forgetting about the details. Other purchasing decision factors such as: Luxury design, compactness, convenience, etc.

And what I want to remind you is: Put yourself as a customer and act as an expert to create great content! Next, the following factor is also very important, you need to pay attention.

2. Voiceover

Depending on the field and potential customers, the tone of the articles is often different. For example, if you have a blog like me, where all the knowledge about SEO is shared, you should use a fun, attractive tone, provide a lot of actionable information (can be applied immediately).

At the same time, using the personal title "I", "I" and "you" will help express personal views and create a feeling of closeness and trust in the reader. On the contrary, in case you are writing standard SEO content for health pages, it is required to keep an objective, scientific, authentic attitude and avoid using the first person in the article.

3. Information

In any article, you are also required to ensure that you give accurate information, have clear and reputable references, which will enhance the value of the article even more, especially health pages.

Absolutely do not Copy Content from other articles.

This is a huge mistake in content creation and article SEO.

  • Create your own quality content. You can consult your competitors' content and other sources. But ABSOLUTELY DO NOT Copy Content if you don't want to get the Google Panda penalty.
  • You can use an SEO standard article writing tool like CopyScape to check the content before moving on to the optimization step in the next SEO standard article.

In case you accidentally Copy Content, you may be interested in how to check if your Website has been penalized by Google ? Find out now before it's too late!

4. Ensure SEO criteria

A standard SEO article requires to ensure the provisions of Title, H1, H2, Meta Description, Keyword... so that Google can easily crawl data and understand your article in the right direction.

If you still wonder how to optimize these factors, then I have extremely detailed instructions above for you.

Register for a free 3-day Entity Mastermind trial course at:

Chapter 5

Checklist for SEO Standard Content Optimization (2021)

Let's end this guide with a list of advanced SEO writing tips, strategies, and techniques drawn from my experience. In this chapter you get the “Advanced SEO Standard Article Optimization Checklist” and much more...

Not to keep you waiting long. In this section, I would like to give you a gift as a thank you for taking the time to follow through to the end of the article.

This gift GTV SEO has drawn from the experience of implementing more than 200 successful projects, will be able to help you check SEO standard articles as quickly as possible.

Click the Link to download the Advanced SEO Standard Article Optimization Checklist here!


?Optimize SEO STANDARD Articles

[FREE] – Checklist of SEO standard content standards 2021 (advanced)

Chapter 6


Phew, this is quite a long post. But I hope that you can take your time and read all of them and the content of the article will bring a lot of value to you in the future.

If you're interested in this SEO-friendly article writing style, I bet you'll love Content Marketing as well as these 45 Content Marketing Trends.

Apply the 7-step implementation I mentioned above and refer to the sample SEO standard article to see the effect immediately!

At this point, have you found the answer to what is SEO standard article writing as well as how to write standard SEO content of Google? And if you still have many difficulties, let the SEO company in Ho Chi Minh City help you answer your difficulties with professional SEO services with the most detailed SEO quotation!

In case you read all the knowledge I shared above but still do not understand anything, you can completely consider SEO training programs at reputable and quality SEO training centers !

Good luck!seo 


#gtvseo #gtv_seo #how_to_write_seo_articles

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